Monday, December 22, 2008

Which Way Is Up?

20 December 2008

Time & Space or Time-Space

More on separating of the ways as some refer to it. And indeed it is the great separation, the great rapture.

The vision I hold (to be explained for our three-dimensional minds) is the great spiral. The Great Spiral is wrapped around a cone/conical shape that is turned upside down (as opposed to a spiral that is wrapped around a cylinder). We are in time-space point on this Great Spiral somewhere in the upper echelons. And we on the Earth have been moving together upwardly. However, the time has come that portion of the spirit/souls cannot carry the others who are not willing to go the same way. It is time of the choice: to chose to move with evolution of the Universe and God and Life itself or to resist evolution and chose to go the other way: downward. Many have been writing about ascension. Some are choosing to descend at this time. Their reflection is going to be increased lack of personal space as various controls and regulation invade private/personal space (government control, and anything else that has to do with lack of space). The ultimate descend is annihilation turning into a point (ultimate non-dimensional existence). This will happen as result of resisting to accept part of oneself that is feminine part of the God – Mother of Everything – magnetic energy that opens space for creation to manifest/embody.

In the ascension we are going to become ‘lighter’ as we access more and more our own dimensions. And in infinite universe there is limitless number of dimensions we can access.

I see that both ways are the return to the Source. Eventually the Source will take back its Point (all that decided to go back into non-dimensional existence). On the other end of the Grand Circle of big Spiral is also going back to the source, but in a different way. For the beginning of this process (where we are now), it looks like as the time-space become aligned and open a new dimension to those who have sought alignment of their Destiny Path with that of the Divine Path (through inner alignment and integration) will come to a place of effortless manifestation through synchronous encounters and spontaneous actions. In addition, effortless manifestation is result of accessing our additional dimensions, where time and space fuse into time-space.

It is not fixed that being/spirit/soul cannot change its ‘mind’ and decide to go the other way… It is all based in our choice. And we have to respect any choice (no saving of others – it is disrespectful of their choice).

22. decembar 2008

Verzija na bosanskom jeziku:

Vizija koju vidim onog sto mnogi zovu sudnjim danom ili velikim razlaganjem, a ja najvecim sortiranjem energija ikad videnim u cijelom kozmosu je vizija Velike Spirale. Ova spirala izgleda kao spirala omotana oko konicnog oblika koji je vrhom prema dole, a ne kao spirala omotana oko cilindra. Znaci da se prema gore otvara i raste sa svakim zavojem. U pogledu vrijeme-prostor faktora kad se pogledamo mi smo u vremenu sa svojim prostorom negdje prema vrhu ove spirale, koja pretstavlja neko vrijeme kozmicke evolucije. Mislim da concept slican ovom – vremenske spirale postoji u hindu kalendaru.

Mnogi sad govore u uznesenju ljudskog roda, a ja bih da govorim o oba pravca na spirali. Mi smo sad presli tacku na kojoj smo morali izabrati izmedu: zivot/evolucija/Bog ili smrt/unistenje/Lucifer.

Ko izabire smrt/unistenje/Lucifera - izabira reverzibilno kretanje na velikoj Spirali Evolucije – ide prema tacki prvog postajanja: samom pocetku velike spirale. Time gubi svijest vise i vise, docim gubi i dimenzije da bi svi na kraju presli u tacku – totalna anihilacija postojanja. Oni koji izabiru ovaj put oni ce da budu suoceni sa realnoscu gubljenja osobnog prostora. Na primjer, sve vise ce osjecati pritisak kontrole vlasti, ili doslovno ne mogucnost imanja prostora (stan i sl.)…

Razlog sto ce se ovoj grupi manifestirati nedostatk prostora ce biti taj sto izabiraju da ne prihvate davateljicu zivota – Majku Svega – zenski princip boziji. Ako bi o tom govorili jezikom quantum fizike to je magnetna energije ciji je jedan od zadataka da otvori/stvori/nade prostor za kreaciju, za postojanje. U prijasnjim prilozima (na engleskom) sam pisala da o drugim ulogama ove energije, na primjer moc razlucivanja i volja.

On ikoji su posli drugim smjerom i koji su izabrali zivot/evoluciju/Boga ti ce poceti da imaju pristup drugim dimenzijama. Sad smo u tri dimenzije, poneko cetiri i samo sto nismo i u petoj. Peta dimenzia ce nam postati prepoznatljiva po tome sto cemo moci da s lakocom manifestiramo nase planove. Lakoca ce dolaziti jer cemo manifestirati kroz sinkrone susrete i spontane akcije, a radicemo u dimenziji u kojoj ono sto smo mi dotad poznavali kao razdvojene funkcije: prostor i vrijeme se stapaju u prostor-vrijeme. To ce znaciti da ce onima koji su jos uvijek u 3-D izgledati kao da neko koje u 5-D stvara velikom brzinom.

Koncept ubrzanja vremena je poznat u kaledaru Maja.

Bice/Duh/Dusa koja se odlucila za bilo koji od ova dva puta moze da ‘promjeni misljenje’ – znaci da putanja nije fiksirana jednom za svagda. Sve je bazirano na izboru (Boziji dar – zenskog principa). Takoder vazno je napomenuti da treba da postujemo odluke drugih, bez obzira sto primjecujemo kojim putem idu. Ne treba da pokusavamo da ‘spasimo’ nikog, jer je to nepostovanje njihovog duhovnog/dusevnog izbora.

Oba ova puta su put nazad ka Izvoru Svega – Bogu, jedino ce stvarnosti biti razlicite. Na kraju ce Bog uzeti svoju tacku, a ostali su dobrovoljci koji se vracaju…

Friday, December 5, 2008

Energy Crisis Within and Without

5 December 2008

Disconnect and New Connections

Current state of the affairs on the planet is not because we are having energy crises, which is just mere manifestation of much bigger problem that has resulted from disconnect within ourselves, a disconnect from our communities, we have disconnected from the Earth, we have disconnected ourselves from the Source… Living disconnected and in linear parallel universes we have created, have required constant energy input from someplace. We had to built more and more power generating plants, as we have thought we could not maintain ourselves without them. We have become parasites on the body of the planet, unable to produce power to maintain our existence ourselves. And this planet is co-creative and will not tolerate co-dependent relating anymore. She is not getting anything in return, but destruction.

Hence, if you would like to ‘help’ the planet (which means help yourself, as planet can help herself by getting rid off all who are not getting the message), then set your intent to have co-creative relationship to the planet, and if you would like to have blissful life then set your intent at co-creative relating to all that there is: the Source, partner, parent, child, anyone who comes your way. [Disclaimer: you will not get blissful life right a way, for it takes time to go through the process of discernment (see discernment), then having co-dependencies (usually energetic cords plugged in) fall away before you can get to a place of nurturing your own energy and power back to life and to have effortless existence.] It is important to note that we have had to go through all of the experiences, even those ‘negative’ ones to learn a big collective lesson and now we are coming full circle, but different and stronger. Consequently our new way of communal/family relating may be similar to tribal, but different. I believe that the only way to reset the system is to have a clear intent set and use all our imagination to weave the web of new intricate relationships based in co-creativity. This means that we will be energy independent.

To co-create means to maintain energy balance between two or more involved in any kind of exchange: work, love, sex… No one is giver, and no one is taker. No one holds power over another.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Another Use of Your Magnetic Compass

3 December 2008


At this time of the largest global energy recycling project ever and in our process of ascension the only way of participating and contributing in it is by recognizing foreign energies in our own energetic system.

The only energy that can help us in discernment is by using heart/center of our feminine energy – solar plexus. While masculine spirit/electric works through the brain, it can spend life time chewing one and same information analyzing it. However it requires input from the gut in order to bypass endless circling (it may keep adding on new and more new information and all information of the world – it may even make a choice based in current analysis of all inputs, yet it is only feeling/sense input that will help in making the right choice for you. This is because this feeling is coming from one of the centers we have in our body where we hold all the knowing of ourselves and it is heart of our will.

From this place in ourselves we can navigate through all different energies. Of course, if we do not overwrite the information given to us. Sometimes we are feeling that something is wrong, or as someone is in our space, or other ideas that we have been conditioned are impossible, and thus we keep telling ourselves (or even worse others), “Oh, no I am imagining this; this is impossible, etc… So we do not get ourselves to really know something. And it is only by feeling reality, person, event, energy, etc. we can get to know any of these and what they are really representing to us.

The foreign interference energy may be simply someone dear to us with whom we maintain co-dependent relationship and one person ‘sucks’ the energy of other one. It can be system and/or organization also holding parasitic energy: our places of work, or places with whom we have to interact to ‘maintain’ our existence as we currently believe – banks, power companies, phone companies, and similar. Many of the above institutions/organizations have further string-puller which dictates more or less pressure. All for the purpose of tapping into creative energy of the bottom of the pile and you are most likely among those on the bottom. [Of course, that is why this system is falling down as we speak – since all energies are being sorted out into ‘appropriate bins’, they will be falling down as they generally resist evolution at this time, and they are losing their ‘food source’]. Or you may be sucked of your energy or your information by outright implants you got in your latest abduction. There could be beings (the whole array of those) hanging around your space feasting on your energy. Or some ancestor is pulling the your strings… Many possibilities of you giving the best of yourself to waste.

Warning signs (if you have been sensing, but not paying attention or brushing it aside): you may have had serious health problems: in what I have seen in energetic relating cancer is disease of parasitic attachment: from what I have observed women who have gotten cancer of reproductive organs and breast cancer are for certain being sucked often with their closest male relations, as well as by parasitic institutions (workplace and similar). Current way of relating has embedded so much of the male dominance and superiority that women themselves repress their feminine and then in addition, some more is sucked by masculine principles who totally deny their feminine (or as in organization which is built in way to oppress any expression of the life creative force. Since there is no life without it, they have to plug in someplace…. Man in modern society have repressed do much their feminine energy that the only way they found is to exist and ‘create’ is to take from trusting, giving and nurturing female… This is just example of many manifestations…

You may have had car accident, or something else that should be serving as a wake up call. All of these serious events should make you question much about your life, and what is your sole/soul purpose. We are equipped to overcome all of it, only if we make a choice. And choice as well is trait given to us by use of our will. Free will. So she gives us power to discern and to make a choice… Death or life. My life according to me or My life according to others…