Friday, May 22, 2009


22 May 2009
Truth, Talking, Trusting, Feeling, Expressing...
Bonding with Love

Heart in any one of us, as well as on the planet or in the universe has a literally pivotal role. From the very beginning of his existence, Heart should have been a glue, a great harmonizer of Mama and Papa energies. Heart is a electromagnetic generator, if stripped to purely energetic function. Somehow in the long drawn evolutionary and creation processes, heart become a reflection of what Divine Masculine thought love was supposed to be, and of all things the Divine Feminine feared love was not. Heart seemed to be unsure of himself in direct proportion to how unsure Divine Couple felt of having him. In a long story of the Heart, he absented himself, and this created many gaps, opening to have more heartlessness present then of Heart himself; making a place for heartlessness to move in and rule in his place... Obviously, gap is the opposite of a bond. So there is heartlessness and a gaping hole in place of Heart and love. It has been one of the major influences on the planet. Because of perceived non-acceptance Heart has not communicated openly, and has created aura of secrecy and mystique around himself. As it manifests that no one knows what is in anyone’s heart.
Alas, we came to face a reality that we, the earth, and universe is in danger to become unglued. Literally.
This has been result of long winded process of evolution and creation of all that is. And as much Heart has had his role and place, like all other, it has not been exercised to its full potential. Should I say for prosaic reasons, just like most of us do not exercise our full potentials: lack of certainty and self-esteem: Heart was unsure of his place and his role; just as many of us are.
I cannot possibly go into all details here, suffice is to say that one of the major culprits for this, on the feeling level, has been feeling of distrust. From this, one can easily deduce that with the energetic updates sweeping through our body and body of the planet, and all working heard in the area of the heart lately, implies we have to move from position of DISTRUST to TRUST within ourselves and our inner workings (left vs. right brain, heart vs. brain, brain vs. body, etc…)… For without trust there is no bonding.
For trust to form we have to engage in more direct communication and be accepting of the concept that it is OK to disagree. Disagreement does not mean unlovingness, as it has been imprinted. And much of the mess has been created by indirect communication and covering up of some of disagreements, for the sake of what we think love should look like; and in the end to produce exactly what we have been wanting to avoid and what we feared: unlovingness.
He-he. All in the universe is so perfect, and it always manifests in such a perfect way. It is just we have not gotten to understand the workings of the universal, Divine Laws and how they manifest. No wander that many holy books talk about this time when everything will start to appear as turned upside down. Indeed. It has always been like that, it is just we can read a bit more to it now, if we chose to do so.
In the light of this discourse, I expect us to see more of naked truth manifesting in our lives. As we will not be able to engage into the gap crossing and heart mending business without it. He-he. As we are recreating a whole new world, all based in co-creative relating, quality of our communication will be of paramount importance. To start, Heart will have to move (read express) some unmoved BLAMING RAGE (unloving, and therefore denied; read buried, unexpressed emotion never gotten chance to transform itself)… More of this process I will address in the following story…

I sit and write this today in this so-called “powder keg” of Europe. Have been sitting here, holding and grounding space for the past year. A pole. And name Balkan came from a word that means pole, as well. Pole of the cart dividing it in two parts: East and West. So ancients had known something after all... While Balkan indeed, may have appeared in history as powder keg, Bosnia on the other hand has been more of a tiny shelter in the midst of turmoil of Roman troops running around, Genghis Khan's and Attila the Hun's warriors for all who fell out of grace; for healers, for herbalists, for heretics, for Templars... Bosnian mountains and river canyons have not been easily penetrable like the steppes to the North, rolling hills to the West, and low, old mountains to the East. So in sheltering and accepting many, Bosnia has been an hideout and has hid many secrets and mysteries to this day, just like every heart. I am angry sometimes when I think of all those who found a shelter here to then betray this land.
May the great Protecting Dragon of this land rise up and sweep with its tail and its fiery breath.
This is maybe hardest story for me to write. As I have had hardest time to relinquish my bonds, contracts, and cords with the land here..I love it. And yet, I finally have grown to understand I have to let it go, so it can grow up on its own.
It is my ancestors that have charged me with the responsibility to the land. They charged me to carry on memory and the cause.
Iapodes and Celts (one quarter each). In the slow process of remembrance, I have been regaining, layer by layer, memory of the distant charge. Just as, at the same time, I have been loosing, layer by layer, unconscious veils. This opened space for the new or old energy to be regained.

So, I have come to see this place of my home with totally different eyes then just mere six-seven years ago. Love was always there, but was tarnished by not understanding, why we were 'different' as in 'cursed?' I could see the emotional and emerald waters washing through the country; I could see gentleness of the people and landscape. And I could see how the land vibrates heart energy. Heart vibrates in frequencies of green and loving heart with shades of pink of course ;-) And I could see that people have forgotten their original charge and they have forgotten that they are Earth Keepers of the Heart order/vibration.
I could read when the Mostar bridge in fell in 1993, the land, the Earth itself was having massive heart attack. And I could see how they built in pacemaker into the Hearth then. Even with the pacemaker, there is a gaping hole in this land. I have heard many use term “black hole" for this place lately (which is unconscious, but true reading and expression). It is black hole as two axes meet here, but do not align and do not harmonize as they should.
Our ancestors had known that. That this was the harmonizing place. How many of us will remember it? I do see a little sparkles of light been manifested. Little loving and insecure heart spirits...
I do keep thinking, 'I wish people would finally rise up and express their BLAMING RAGE,' for if they do not, based on energy laws and timely Divine Intervention, the Earth will throw it into their faces. Politicians and ruling sects of the country are so shameless, and people are so programmed to be ‘loving’ (read non-confrontational) that they remain pacified (that coupled with the newest consumer capitalism fear programming which separates people and makes them deem themselves powerless. And all is a vicious cycle based in their inherit super low self-esteem, which I notice often coupled with self-hatred (for that is the door we open for the opposite power of what we want and for which we pray - loving God; as hate comes from Lucifer). This is not applicable just here, but it is part of the story of this place and maybe more pronounced then most other places as here the land and people vibrate similarly in the Heart vibration). Heartlessness in place of love was also reflected during and after the war in Bosnia & Herzegovina. It has been reflected in hypocritical and basically heartless relating of Croatia and Serbia/Montenegro, as well as ‘international community’ towards us. The story is very long and complex of everyone’s involvement here. This is indeed one of the crux places in the evolution of the Earth. Many forces now that. [my videobar contains song by Edo Maajka – Prikaze, this is hilarious song about Grey's abduction, as he walked drunk by NATO base. Greys are not here for nothing. And then in response, vehabije, are here, too for a balance. Ha-ha, as I said everything comes in pairs, more extreme the causal manifestation, more extreme reflecting manifestation...] And while we have been able to feel injustice we have never asserted ourselves, because we have needed to express our outrage first, and we kept expressing lovingness (we can all live together, we cannot; and thus recycling is in order), for we judged our rage and hence have never expressed it. So I imagine order of things for all us (on the planet, who are choosing love, life and evolution) to transition/evolve from the current dynamic is:

1. Expressing blaming rage. If not our reality will manifests to us experience so unpleasant that overrides in power, energetic charge of our self-judgment of how we have to be all loving, and that disagreement is not loving… Again, I appreciate the artistic expression and Edo Maajka for speaking 'unspeakable.'
This is the song in which he is expressing rage at all of those who have come to destroy his beloved place: war criminals, traitors, corrupt politicians; and aptly he is expressing it, as we all should - cursing: mother f.... He is absolutely exercising Inconvenient Truth Speaking. Great example. Should be national hero, if we understood workings of the Universe...

2. Speaking our TRUTH, gaining our certainty and memory that we have Divinely ordered role and recovering and asserting ourselves in our place. Exactly, all Croatian and Serbian claims on Bosnia are totally another story, and it is reflection of their vibration and their role, and their experience. What they have reflected to us and what we have reflected to them. We have held self-hatred and they reflected to us their hatred. But we were here long before them that is for sure.
However, now it is us that we have to “prove” that we have a right to be here and to exist. He-he. I have to laugh, because even in the name of Bosnia it is so obvious that we were on this land long before. But then that is probably why they have tried so hard to expunge any Bosnia name reference (from names of towns, geographic names, etc...)
They brought an alphabet and wrote their own history. They hijacked so many of our sacred sites and they are now cloacked under the
east and west church doctrine. And with our insecurity and accepting of all, we barley remember our truth and our Divine Path, our charge was transferred orally and it has been overwritten. Now, I have to go places and ask my bones to remember, ask earth and water what is the memory they hold as no one has transferred the great stories to me. Yet mosaic is being pieced together by the most uncommon synchronous encounters and bits and pieces… Every time I have asked the question the answer came... Heh. Bosnia from root word bhoso-s of many old Indo-European languages means naked and in old Slavic came to mean bosъ, bos [barefoot]. And naked and barefoot we associate with indigenous/tribal peoples. These two keys on the Bosnae Coat of Arms adorned with black royal (crowned) heads, are also symbols of ancient ancestry. Or as our great Bosnian poet Mak Dizdar had written:


Pita jednom tako jednoga vrli pitac neki
A kto je ta šta je ta da prostiš
Gdje li je ta
Odakle je ta

A zapitani odgovor njemu hitan tad dade:
Bosna da prostiš jedna zemlja imade
I posna i bosa da prostiš
I hladna i gladna
I k tomu još
Da prostiš


Once upon a time a valiant seeker
Asked a man
Well, pardon me, what is that one
Where is that one
From where is that
Tell me

And the questioned man swiftly offered a response
There is, pardon me, a land of Bosnia
She is, pardon me, both humble and barefoot
Both cold and hungry
And moreover, pardon me
Of a dream

Everything is series of nested holograms in universe, and balancing in the heart is occurring on the universe level, earth level, global consciousness level, community/tribe/family consciousness level, individual consciousness… They are nested within, and more nested and aligned they all are (like babushka dolls) the better off we are as individuals, families, communities, planet, universe… Because alignment on all levels is proportionally increasing co-creative and manifesting power - to manifest harmonious reality for a change. He-he. Nested and centered/aligned and harmonized in one’s heart. Heart of hearts. If you can get this picture, you can see how important your heart is; how important your hearth truth is; how important your heart desire is… The whole Universe revolves around it! Around your heart! Infinite number of universes... The nested alignment gives you infinite number of possibilities, and your possibilities are in direct proportion with this alignment and then the number of 'nests.' For those, who are into computer programming this is like nested process, they do not only provide infinite number of possibilities, but also ability to do it simultaneously... Which will appear to our, linearly conditioned, brains, as magic once it starts to manifest.

So let your heart speak, no matter how inconvenient it is. For without heart speaking his truth there is no trust, no reconciliation (why in Bosnia there is no resolution for years after the war, but all stuck in the same playback).

3. DESIRE: Allow and express all feelings without judgment. Without feelings there is no desire, and without desire vibration would stop. Vibration is life.
And if we are choosing life, desire is what will pull us across the gap).

In this funny, but very reflective song, another Bosnian artist says:

"With my favourite spoof
I trick fauna and flora
Life wasn’t created in the sea
But out of love
Love, love
Out of love"
Excerpt from Pokusaj [Try] by Elvir Lakovic-Laka
He-he-he… Indeed!

*my translation, I apologize to Mak in spirit and to any expert translator, but I could not find an English translation worth posting, even though I have seen them in the past... If anyone finds a better one, please let me know. I will gladly replace it.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Ride on the Wave of New Feminine Wayshower

8 May 2009

Ride to Reconnect to Destiny Path, People, Places...

Rapture opened by the red and rightfully angry Kundalini, created an opening for clearing of the karmic waste; which then provided space for flood of the softer feminine energies. As we welcome the return of the Divine Feminine, we will personally and collectively experience period of intense feminine growth. While growth, in general, can be seen as a green, feminine growth is pink… Notice pink around you this month.

Growth and transformation is the most often associated with the growing pains, and depending on the level of our denials, the growing pain, or in other words intensity of unpleasant experience matches the energy of held denial. Our desire and the will magnetize to us experience according to it. And this is so-called the Law of Attraction. However, if we have denial of part of self (and those are stored and buried in our lost and unconscious will – subconscious), depending which one holds more charge, that one will prevail in manifesting to us the experience. Often denials hold more charge, for the obvious reasons. To release these denials of self (denial of God), we can do it only, if our desire gets more charge then denial; and if we allow our will to work its way (we are conditioned into controlling the will/emotional body). I guess, this is something they did not tell you in the Secret. He-he, what I am trying to say, emphasis on thinking positive, if you judged something ‘negative’ and you denied it within, is not going to give you desired results, unless you release this self-judgment. Discharge of self-judgment gives an opportunity to further release and transform emotion labeled as ‘negative.’ Not all healing has to be painful… Laughter is release. Sex is grounding and releasing, however parties involved in sex, interchange energies, so one receives from and gives to another partner energies. It can be healing, if both commit to healing and communicate, converse, should I say, grow together in it… Co-create the relationship. Unconscious sex today is the most often power grab and/or self-destruction. I would dare to say, that many more women are been destroyed (man ‘using’ woman to ground, and to dump their ‘extra’ charge, as well as to access their creative feminine energies; I am not trying to say all guys are villains, but guys have been conditioned even more then women into denying their feminine self. Hence they are not accessing their own feminine tools). System is heavy feminine denier (and that is why is falling down), so in such environment, this manifest as system (mostly job related) and our men been our energy suckers, and women having myriads of cancers (cancer is disease of parasitic relating. There is a sucker in the energetic field, plugged/corded into chakra where cancer manifest). So to bring this back to the beginning of this discussion, cancer is manifestation of self-denial. Anyone who has dealt with it, should look into SELF-HATRED. [Women’s creative energy is ‘stored’ in woman’s breasts and ovaries, men’s in his testes.]
The wave of feminine energy is bringing array of tools and is literally in business of mending what is broken on the planet. People, places, relationships, etc… Basically, support systems. As it is one of feminine attributes.
However not all will be fixed. The energies (of people, places…) committed to co-creative existence, life and evolution of the Earth and our collective experience in direction of the God’s light, while other energies will be recycled into grand cosmic recycling bins of confinement and transformation (because choice of the opposite is being respected as “What is one person’s heaven, it may be hell for another, and
vice versa” – choice/will gets the last word basically. Denied personal will is denied Divine Will and denied life). During this times in which we live, when denial of the Divine Will has gone off charts, our world has gone through the process of the ‘linearization.’ I coined this term to mean separation and compartmentalization of functions in all directions in time and space by linearization of life process(es). So if you can imagine space filled with lines run in all directions, but never touch. Lines in space that do not have common points, points of contact with other lines… If you imagine them neatly laid in space all been parallel, and then another set of lines also parallel but not on exact same plane as the first set, and the second plane set of lines maybe having different position, if you were to put the heavy ball into that space (what I am trying to make you imagine is presentation of how gravity affects time/space; grid with the ball on it). This ball will fall through these two planes containing lines, because these lines are not touching. However, the extreme masculine energy of the system wanted to keep everything neat and under tight control and regulations. So it broke and linearized processes and functions (manifest as standards, norms and regulations; alienation and disassociation; etc.). Anyone who have not fitted into standards and norms was in place of confinement (their own or system’s). Electric and Divine Masculine energy by itself is linear and fastest.
Now imagine introduction of the Divine Feminine Magnetic energy into the picture of lines on the planes above. Feminine energy is cyclical. It is this that enables feminine in multi-tasking and masculine can only do one step at the time. Feminine will make lines wavy, not complete loops, but enough of curvature to possibly make lines of two planes create points of contact: nodes, vertex, nexus… If we throw the gravity ball onto this space, it is less likely to fall through as in the previous scenario. Hmm, just came to my mind that that is maybe the difference in what generates black holes in space.
What the inundation of these energies on the planet means for us at this time? Ride on them. Use them to your advantage… My prayer for a while has been, “God help me with effortless manifestation through synchronous encounters and spontaneous action.” This can happen only if we give up to control our own will, and our will is aligned with Divine Will. Only Free Will is capable of making miracles. Another ‘prayer’ I have been practicing, or rather it is ‘energy run:’ (after I ground myself, send my grounding cord into the center of the planet, reset it couple of times and then set it into present time: I invite Divine Will to come up into my body into my belly, then I invite Divine Spirit to come into my body from above, invite them to mix, and align in my heart (they mix in a belly and then need to go up through the heart, thymus, fifteen percent down each hand of the mix, and spout at the fingertips; the rest goes up through the throat, then sixth chakra and exit at approximately TCM GV AP 24 (Traditional Chinese Medicine Governing Vessel acupuncture point 24). I also ask for my spirit to be aligned with Divine Spirit and my will to be aligned with Divine Will, all together aligned and balanced. I ask for my physical body to be nested within Divine cosmic body, centered in the heart, hence my heart becomes heart of hearts. Eventually, I believe that I will get to a place of effortless and magic manifestation. Magic is achieved though regaining the innocence of a child. Hopefully, you have stayed with me through all my digressions. So, you can use the incoming energies in way of getting things done that you have desired for a long time. Riding on this energy as it flows in, and looks for places to fill up, it will enable you to multitask, it will afford you to connect and reconnect with support (feminine energy is creative, but also nurture and nourishment).
Again, we have disengaged, or are in the process of it, from some old, Karmic, and co-dependent relationships; in order to be free to engage into new and co-creative relationships that will be more based in affinity then in fear. Or we have reset relationships we have had into the new setting. Only co-creative will survive, for only co-creative is sustainable (one of my early posts talks about what is co-creative energetically). So the world’s system that is falling apart is falling apart because, obviously, it is not self-sustaining, and it is not set with co-creative intent… He-he… So this is time of making connections that will last, building supportive systems that will be lasting and nurturing to all within.
Pictures of ones living in shameless opulence, while other are hungry are there to look into our own involvement and hold in the co-dependent system, and to remember that some are choosing that as their reality, as well as to study it to examine our own involvement… Eventually as we ‘graduate’ through various levels we will not be seeing the pictures of the opposites. As the concept and system of opposites is phasing out.
To summarize: Period of intense feminine growth that you can use by riding on it completing many desired projects, connecting and rebuilding the relationships in a co-creative way; to create supportive and sustaining communities for oneself. Enjoy the ride, hi-hi…

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Celebrating the Transformation Process

6 May 2009

Beltane/Omaha/Jurjevo/Durdevdan/Erdelez/Mayday/Cinco de Mayo Post

In the last couple of weeks I have been raging, mostly with myself, thinking, "Have we not learned anything of the latest war, how cheap we are selling ourselves to the Darkness. Not only we sell, but we even pay to go there. What a great system… Have we forgotten everything? Have we forgotten with what has God charged us? Have we forgotten that we are the Earth Keepers, especially of this part of the world? This place that is the heart of the planet? Of course, it is hard to see through what has been going on that that is the truth, but have we not been asking? For if we ask it will be answered. Have we asked ourselves why, and then how?"
Most of my outrage has been related to abandonment and disrespect of the Earth. Even though the lady Gaea winked at me and said not to worry, she will do just fine… He-he. Then here and there I notice sparkles of light and memory coming through the fog...
And appropriately, I was even more uplifted when I have come to visit the far west of my country Bosnia & Herzegovina, the frontier country, Bosanska Krajina and for the first time since some early 1990s found that locals were celebrating omaha. Omaha probably lost its meaning in a consciousness of the people, of what it really meant (I asked few people, if they knew what omaha meant, but they did not know).
But it came through even if through subconscious collective memory. It came through and even though it is possibly the pale memory of what this celebration was about, I felt thankful to the people who allowed it to surface as it did. I knew, not all is lost. Even in this tiny glimpses I could read and see the distant past… And it is another manifestation of return of the Goddess.
Importance of this remembrance is remembering of who we are. It is a clue. The clue that connects us to our distant past and ancestors before there was an alphabet, and the hi~story was recorded in a memory as a mythic language of grand stories and tales.
This is a story that is part of my series of a return of the sacred feminine. Conceptually oral history also belongs to realm of feminine transfer of information, as written belongs to masculine. Masculine has overwritten the feminine even in this realm and we barely know much of what was known in the past. Written has become the superior and oral inferior, as a way of keeping knowledge. Though both forms have shortcomings and virtues. Oral allows for transformation and growth, as the times and tellers are changing, and exactly opposite is true for the written form. Yet, written endures and remains; and that is how it has gotten superior status, and has gotten the power to overwrite the other.
To find the other side of hi~story, one has to be able to read not only between the lines, but also invisible and bellow the surface; and then to allow oneself possibility that one’s reading is correct (rational mind has robbed us of that gift, mostly we have been conditioned to not accept the gut information without the ‘proof’ – hmm, this is all another topic).
What is this omaha after all? And it is the same as all the names I have listed in a title of this post (and possibly many others)…
The vague memory of what we could see today: it is community gathering and celebration, even though if I went and asked what was being celebrated here today, few would have any answer beyond, "It has always been…"
Today's characteristics of it are: there is always some kind of wheel in a picture! So to have a 'proper' celebration some form of wheel should be turning, being that mayday pole, ringelspiel, carousel, or waterwheel. Original form of celebration has taken on different forms as it spread in time and space.
What about the wheel? Why wheel? In this area on this day, the sixth of May (mid-date between spring equinox and summer solstice), one had to cleanse and purify oneself of winter darkness and heaviness, depressive winter spirits... As Persians on the first day of the new year (vernal equinox) jump over fire to be purified, that was done here as well. The building of fires was coupled with even more ancient water purification. One had to wash a face with morning dew, had wash oneself with sprinkling water. The sought out places were by water. And sparkling water at that: waterfalls, cascades, etc… Around here (were I am writing this) there are no big hills and no waterfalls, so the ritual was to take the place under the waterwheel. As the wheel turned around it would make the necessary sprinkle… One needed to stand bellow to be sprinkled and cleansed in that way… Some other places, people would immerse themselves into the water… Omaha as a word refers to this process of cleansing oneself by motioning and in this case motioning cleansing moves around oneself.
It was veneration of that aspect of feminine and that symbol of water… Aspect representing life, and its cycles, emotional transformation and clarity as result. Wheel turning, perpetual life cycles turning, and transformation from dark to light and vice versa
This topic of remembering our reverence for sacred feminine is so timely now when time/space portal has opened for this energy to clear and reset itself to its rightful position. As well as, to the symbolism as it narrates our own process of emotional clearing and achieving the clarity and awareness. And in the process getting closer to the God… The intuitive knowing of this process has been threaded from the distant past by many alchemists, known and unknown, named and unnamed. Some have recorded various versions of, “When we know our souls, we know our God” statement.
May you have achieved the level of awareness you have been seeking so far and continue on your Divine Path as you desire.

Regina - Bistra Voda [Clear Water] lyrics

Pitao sam neke ljude u mome kraju
gdje mi duša stanuje
Jer tajnu za mene
kažu kriješ draga
Pitao sam da mi vrate
ono vrijeme, dane, sate,
na ljubav miriše
Tako kažu

Rodi me
u majsku zoru
Kupaj me
u bistroj vodi
Čuvam jedan cvijet
kad svi drugu odu
Čuvam te
dok sam živ

Ukradi malo sunca za nas
nemaš sutra, nemaš danas
Lako je
kad ti pjesma srce nađe

Rodi me
u majsku zoru
Kupaj me
u bistroj vodi
Čuvam jedan cvijet
kad svi drugu odu
Čuvam te
dok sam živ

Rodi me
u majsku zoru
Kupaj me
u bistroj vodi
Čuvam jedan cvijet
kad svi drugu odu
Čuvam te
dok sam živ

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Building the Cross(ing)

3 May 2009
Vertical and Horizontal Axes

As we are getting onto this crossing the gap business, for the sake of clarity I would like to divide this process into two different ones, as the first one have been affect the other; and they will continue to happen and affect us simultaneously:
  • bridging the gap (vertical fusion)
  • mending the heart (horizontal balancing)
Why two different processes? On a personal and global level (and in between family, collective, tribal, etc.) we are going through the process of vertical and horizontal alignment, as the whole planet is changing the alignment of its vernal axis in relationship to the galactic axis (Rising of the (W)holy Cross).
Horizontal is balancing between masculine and feminine energies, meeting of them, and finally aligning into co-creative position in opposition to the co-dependent as we have got to know this to be our ‘way of being’ and way of relating.
Vertical balancing is fusing of the karma and dharma, of conscious and subconscious, of positive and negative emotional values into state of unconditional acceptance > pure awareness.
Physically they intersect in the area of the heart and thymus in our bodies and on the surface of the Earth.
Kundalini has been clearing our systems out from bellow, and God is intervening from above. One of the major contribution at this time that make this shift different then any other in our known and unknown (hi)story is that God is not allowing the co-existence of GUILT "energy" anymore along with his energy as Guilt has become image of God on Earth (See the Short Story of Guilt).
No wander we may be feeling for a while that we have gone through the washing machine spin cycle... Intense stuff... Our physical bodies are changing and we have been experiencing growing pains more severe then when we were growing up.
Rage may be an agent that will push us over the edge if we fret to cross. In some ways what I am trying to say this is not nice and pretty 'Buddha sitting under the tree achieving the nirvana' kind of process. It has been intense and will be, as intense as our personal and collective denials are... We have opened Pandora's jar, cleared much, and hope has certainly helped. Yet, faith is required and optimistic faith at that. :-) Rage and terror are at the bottom of the pile of buried emotions - so we may be getting to the end of tunnel, after all. And as this emotions and energies stir and then manifest, just stay present with the process, and remind yourselves that is just clearing...
Few notes of practical advice: practice grounding and run your energy daily, if you can (if you do not know how to do it, look up books of Mantak Chia).

In the place of heart chakra we have been having a gaping hole that how severe our disconnect has been. Together with Guilt, Heartlessness has been operating mode on our co-creative planet. Hence, if you want to co-create, but all that is available is suckers who suck your blood out, you can see how we have gotten to the place where we are. Until now. We have to repair and we have been repairing our inner tools and apparatus, our system. Tuning and re-balancing with the Divine help. As the Divine helps with the foreign interference energies of guilt and reptilian, our mission is to find our hearts and nurture them back to life. The horizontal and vertical harmonizing will create mending thread that will allow for closing of the gaping hole and revival of the heart. Our heart, and heart of the planet.
PS: The graphic image is rendering of Cyclic Cross of Hendaye (author unknown to me).

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Short Story of Guilt While on Its Way Out

2 May 2009
To Bridge the Gap over Heart II

Is not really energy, without ability to feed itself from other vibratory sources Guilt cannot exist. Guilt does not vibrate and vibration is life. ts only purpose been that of Great Separator and holding the Duality and Polarized Reality in place. So, Mother Earth and Father Sky work on two fronts:
Clearing reptilian and shedding the light onto the Guilt (tripping :-)).
Our greatest guilt reflections are Church and State.
While reptilian energy has been operating with fear and terror, the church doctrine has been guilt and fear. And all of these energies together have brought the Earth before the apocalypse. Yet, this time there is Divine intervention as if the Earth goes, the entire Divine Creation may go to Hell. And all because the Divine Mother and Sacred Feminine aspect would be lost if the Earth is lost. This gorgeous planet of ours is Divine Mother’s Godhead. The God has allowed co-existence of the Guilt together with his light, but at this time that has changed and guilt has to go. Guilt as an entity has no energy of its own, cannot generate its own energy and or existence. Since this is the era of ending co-dependent way of relating; guilt as well is on its way out.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Kundalini Rising

1 May 2009

To Bridge the Gap Over Heart

Few months back I wrote about reptilian energy and today I will write about the counterbalance to reptilian, as they emerged about the same time and have a story together and we (individually and as planetary collective) are processing these energies in the last six month especially. The counterbalance to reptilian energy has been represented as snake energy in many cultures. Of course, in cultures more associated with matriarchy. It is later that Saint Patrick and alikes had come and chased the ‘snakes’ away and/or like a cuckoos brought another egg into the nest to replace the indigenous belief with the church doctrine, and matriarchy with patriarchy; sacred feminine with so called holy masculine trinity… Saint Patrick in Ireland, Saint George, Franciscans, Dominicans and others all around the Mediterranean… It is, of course, hilarious we celebrate these guys as patron saints today. It is like celebrating our own slayers. He-he, snake and dragon slayer…

So, extreme energetic polarities are:

I - The one I had written about in my post early on – reptilian- Father Sky Warriors spirit energy (lets call it EEE – extreme electric energy) – they are extreme of ‘negative’ masculine energy. They often manifest in roles of military, police, fascist and/or totalitarian structures…. (filled with feeling emotion of TERROR).

II - Their counterbalance are - snake -Mother Earth Warriors will energy (EME – extreme magnetic energy), extreme of ‘negative’ feminine energy. For example, terrorists of all sorts as this extreme to the totalitarian attempt to order… (filled with feeling emotion of RAGE for being abused). Anything screwing up the order, pretty much.

This energy is the energy of kundalini, this energy rose up in response to the EEE desire to destroy the EME, and it always rises up in the extreme survival. This energy is closely associated with Divine Mother and the Earth and it represents the rage over being abused. Our human survival comes from the first/root chakra. It is our direct connection with the earth.

These two energies I perceive as rising up the spine (EME*) and coming down from the top of the head, down the spine (EEE)… EEE is always first, EME is always response/reaction – the answer (I will discuss this again when I talk about bridging the gap). This is simply reminder that EEE cannot request EME to stop doing something when EEE is provocateur in the first place. Unfortunately, at this end of the spectrum, ability to evolve (see something from different vantage point) is very slim, almost non-existent. To move on with the new set of information, as these energies run on imprints and imprints do not allow much of conscious evolution). And thus, the stalemates we experience in life, or see on TV daily. However, we are to keep up working on our own evolution, if we chose so. With that we help even seemingly distant places, pictures, for we all emit energies and especially affect our lineages, as we heal ourselves. We have to accept and work with our rage and Earth’s rage to let it express itself, so it can be transformed, and at this time will probably be a cleansing agent for foreign DNA encoding.

Clearing this very old encoding in the last six months have of course caused us to feel aches and pains. All of it has been affecting our brain stem, bone marrow, nervous system… And in the last month, the cleanse intensified. This in return has overloaded our lymph system, so at this time our lymphatic need help [(the best herbs: Trifolium purpurea, Galium aparine), massage, dry sauna… Water. Clean and living food above all: dandelion salad, greens, no milk, no carbs, etc.].

Breach or rapture has turned out to be about kundalini rising. Kundalini is in the heart area now… Of the Earth, and you, and I.

* Reminder: we should be receiving God’s light in a place of this energy, but as I mentioned in the post of the tenth of January this year, we took, and have been taking the wrong light, ever since we emerged, as EME was present at our emergence and God was not. Just like absent fathers… He-he. God bears responsibility, too.