Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Big Spring Karmic Cleaning Before Stepping Into the Gap

Energies of Equinox to Help the Breach of Magnetosphere

It has been a while I wrote anything. Few things have been bubbling and competing for my attention, so in the end I could not make out any clear story. However, now it has become clear that these are few different stories.

The first and biggest one is the story of the void. The void is for some. I will call this a gap. For void implies nothingness, emptiness, and a gap implies breach. And I know in what I see, it is a gap, as I am also seeing that I will have to cross and/or mend this gap.

Now this gap. This gap that is not the store where you buy semi-fancy clothes, but gap that is a breach inside of us, and as we are holograms of everything that there is – there some other gaps, as well.

I know I have been avoiding this gap business. My fear, my terror shot up at the idea that I have to go over this huge gaping hole. At the same time I have known that for me there is no other way. And curiously one scene from a popular movie does not leave my head as exact situation I found myself in. Also, I know that many more people are at this same place, and that is why I blog. The scene is, I think, from one of the Indiana Jones sequels. He is of course on the run from some evil or another and he cannot turn around when he comes to this huge, bottomless, canyon-like place that the only way is to turn around and face this horrible evil or jump into the abyss (the same as we are). However, our hero chooses to cross. He literally stops and starts walking across, and it is as bridge is building underneath his feet, as he is slowly, with the great focus inching his way to the other side.

And this scene is so appropriate as to what we are facing right now. This abyss is not place of nothingness. It may look like it, and we may have been feeling very empty, for we have been doing some serious clearing off the planet in the past six months (and much longer, but this is resultant of more recent shifts). Clearing of the energies off the planet, means we are clearing our own emotional baggage, from personal to collective (all levels: family, tribe, community, … global), judgments, imprints, conditioning, programming. As we have been for a while. What is interesting about this place we have reached now is it is a place around the heart chakra (thymus, more correctly, as it is above the heart). We have been living in an emotional space of heartlessness, and this is about to change. Heartlessness will be cleared off the planet. The system that we have been operating on of various co-dependencies has had embedded heartlessness as an operating mode. It was accessing various buttons on the units of the system (people, families, countries…), but in general, as we all know it was pushing through greed and fear… This is super simplistic and you can imagine many more variables, but this is just to get the gist of it.

Heartlessness has been operating mode because we have created a gap in a place of a heart. What is interesting that there has been even observed manifestation of the breach as I reported in one of my previous blog postings (Giant Breach in the Earth’s Magnetosphere). What is interesting is that this news has received no attention in the media. And I believe that due to this breach we have exposed and so vulnerable to cosmic forces this winter. Nonetheless, with the spring equinox Earth and we are receiving energetic update, that will help the planet and all of us, in a way of having surge protecting energy field as well as amplifier at the same time (for three weeks). So ready yourself…

So with the above mention help from cosmic energies there are few things to which we ourselves should pay attention. This place we are facing is our gap and all we have pushed away from ourselves for all the various reasons. So in order to reach to the other side and access our own heart, and our own heart information we will have to first do following (and this is in the stars for all of us):

1. Body cleansing – this is already manifesting for many. The deepest, the oldest imprints, programming, conditioning, traumas, are getting cleared. I mean you do not have to do a cleanse now if you do not want it. Yet, it is more likely that you are having some health manifestations at this time that are directing you towards a cleanse. This cleanse is about throwing the ballast that may pull us into abyss while crossing, or may deliver us to horrible monster behind us! So it is to help the body do necessary transformation for a crossing.

2. At this time we will just have to find it within – unwavering faith and trust. Unwavering faith and that we can do it; that we have all the tools within; that God would not have given us this task where we not capable of making it.

3. Pure focus coupled with clear intent that we are going to get exactly where we need to get, absolutely optimistic and yet totally not having any idea where we are actually going. Just inner knowing that no matter what it is, it is going to be fine and that is exactly where we need to be.

Well, we have been on Destiny Path all along it is just sometimes we lose the perspective and get boggled down with some dramatics of whatever is going on around us… And this is reminder that it is the most certainly less painful if we can remain as grounded as possible, anchored into our bodies, and focused at task at hand. And if we can keep it up there that even seeming diversion is part of the Path and that we have learned something, nonetheless. Simply put, it is a reminder to ourselves not to be hard on ourselves. Self-judgment is still present there and it is one of the ballast items that can pull us down…

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Being Open to Receive Gifts Entirety of God Has to Offer

18 January 2009

Outside Manifestations of Our Own Blocks to Receive – The Most Obvious Ones and What Do They Mean

Smoking is very obvious (statement does not include a ceremonial smoking). On energetic level, I observed it as people wanting to fill the gap of disconnect within (which all people on the Earth have had) with unconscious energy represented as cloudy/foggy energy. Issues of thymus – which is between heart (fourth) and throat (fifth chakra). It is issue of being honest with ourselves, question to ask here is, are we speaking our own truth to ourselves (and others)? Throat and heart are at disconnect and we are not expressing our heart desire, we ‘reason’ it away instead. Most likely carrying the victim programming/conditioning. Also, it is the most deep denial of one’s own right to life: one denies oneself right to fully feel and to be fully aware of the most basic function and gift of life: BREATH and BREATHING.

Alcoholism I call it issue of hearts. Two hearts: heart (fourth chakra) and intuitive center or feminine heart (third chakra). The first picture is an alcoholic wants to drown his/her own heart desire. Most often it is unfulfilled love yearning of some sort (the most common of course is not being with a love of one’s life). However, this is coupled and it is probably result of person having huge self-esteem issue, thus he/she does not believe that they could have ever fulfilled their heart desire (solar plexus – third chakra).

Drug Use (Marijuana included)
Is complex and simple at the same time. Drug use is the issue of upper charkas, in particular, seventh chakra. User does not want to be present in life and in the physical body, it finds it so difficult… So, he or she runs away into astral. Absolute disconnect and denial of lower chakras, Personal and Divine Will. Drug user is controlled, through his/her crown chakra, which is chakra through which he/she should be receiving God’s light (or rather ‘another light that may appear as God’s light). Drug abuse is absolute disconnect on all levels: our different energetic bodies are in disconnect, person disconnects (or is disconnected) from its environment: social, natural, etc. Total relational disconnect in all directions. Picture of total opposite of sacred geometry…

Medication Use
Is form of self-hatred. One does not believe in presence of God within, hence one does not believe one (and God) can heal/help oneself, but has to be aided (by those who cannot help themselves - it is interesting that in recent years I have noticed flood of medical mistreatment, misdiagnosing being reported in the media, which should be ringing bell with people, but power of TV is stronger, and pharmaceutical industry, which is run by some pretty damn dark energies (people are still swallowing pills easier then bonbons wanting to remain unconscious)…). If one holds self-hatred energy, one cannot receive Gods energy, unless one intents to do so, which would change dynamic.

Some of the ‘Healthy Ways’ which are sign we are pushing away God’s help

Need to constantly keep ourselves busy is also form of denial to look at aspects of selves that need our awareness (God’s light) so that we can transform whatever is holding us back. Often workaholics are ‘in control’ of their lower chakras, thus do not get the gifts of Mama Earth’s energy (Goddess – feminine energy of God). Hence, they often exhibit controlling traits. Even if they ‘hide’ in the form of they can provide everything for themselves with their work. This kind of denial of the will may fire back in the future when circumstances take out all known ways in which we could ‘work’ our way out… In part we are facing, so called, the world economic crises (it is not a crisis, it is transformation from system that cannot sustain itself anymore to unknown new system about to emerge) to look at this issue as a planetary collective. In this write up I will not get into details, but I pointed out some of gifts feminine energy has to offer in earlier posts…

Pushing Our Body to the Limits
Running, cycling, wanting to climb the highest mountain, etc, is the most often reflection of our desire to get off this plane (not airplane). Those who push their bodies to the limit, are wanting to be up there with the spirit. I observed these people to be ungrounded, the physical strain makes some of their bodies go out in the astral… Often, they suffer of depression – seventh chakra too open. So in a sense, it is similar to drug taking. People who are engaged into these activities to more extreme way would benefit from grounding their energy into earth, running their energy, doing tai chi, and similar.

Food is such a big topic that I cannot even start now, but just to say that carbohydrates and sugar clog travel of electronic impulses through our nervous system synapses… Milk products are clogging our immune system… Chemicals and toxins (in food and in environment) are clogging our sensory system, etc… Just to name the few. If you remember from previous post and from story of Adam and Eve dawn of agriculture coincides with dawn of reptilian domination [after we got kicked out from Garden of Eden we had to earn our food by the sweat…]…
A side note here for coffee, as coffee is big no on many lists of how to do spiritual enlightenment. In my blog, I prefer to talk about alignment and not enlightenment. Enlightenment has its place, but the best way in which we can give to ourselves in these times is to be grounded. We are over-enlightened most of the time, if I can put it that way, and we should be way more grounded then most of ‘modern’ human kind is. I view coffee as a grounding drink.

Using alcohol and drugs is ticket to get out of body. Not being in all of our bodies aligned and nested, we are inviting dark entities to run our body parts and/or bodies. Not being in the physical body we are prone to accidents.
What I listed here are just the most abusive methods we may employ on ourselves. There are many other ways in which we may be blocking ourselves to receive, most likely they are:

    *Held beliefs that we are not deserving for one reason or another, and if we want to know, we have to identify this reason again with the intent being the starting point.
    *Conditioning that somehow we are wrong in our desire, or what is right and what is wrong (when only our each individual heart knows that). Conditioning is something we ‘inherit’ from social milieu, and it is conditioning of emotional body.

    *Programming holding us captive in way that we keep repeating the program without ever going out of it. Programming is something we acquire through school and school books, TV, etc… and it is taming of our brain.
    *Judgments held within, which also would have to be identified (unbelievable what we can judge as improper).
    *Imprint(s) held.

Suggestion: we travel to astral every night when we fall asleep. We can intent to learn in astral (sometimes if we have history of self-abuse, our astral is usurped too, so there is no peace there either. Then we may want to work on reclaiming our astral space. If our astral space is not in our control, no other space is in our control either). We do not have to learn everything through the painful experiences and lessons. We can always opt for easier way out. Working in dream time (as opposed to drug induced astral travel) is much safer for our physical bodies and better for our overall health. Of course, we have to respect the choice of those who decided to abuse themselves. Yet, those who still hear a tiny voice within, that there is more out there for you. And you still have hope within to reach your heart’s yearning. You may find this writing, and hopefully it would make you think if in any way you are hindering yourself (and we all are – would not be in this bodies on Earth if we are not), and do you want to make a change, a shift.
For these are shifting times on Earth.