Thursday, September 29, 2011

New Timeline and No Way Back

Portland, Oregon, 20 September 2011

Reversal of the Magnetic Flow on the Planet Earth

This past week we have entered the timeline of reversal of the flow of the Divine Feminine~Will~Magnetic force* on our Earth. The reversal in the flow of magnetic energy may be what some have prophesied to be a pole shift. I am not certain what physical manifestation of this reversal will be, I am more certain that it is going to manifest in some way as

1. collapse of current money flows around the planet (as money has been perceived by humans as primary power holder) and
2. reversal in the abundance flows.
3. Divine Mother is starting to close up space to all those who have took her for granted, who have desecrated her, who have denied her presence, and yet she kept them alive because she opens and holds space open for life, etc, etc... I suggest you say thank you to the Great Mother for every foot you put forward for she holds that space for life that is you, for life of you.

Space crises will manifest in increased totalitarianism and lack. Simply because those who run the system matrix run on the guilt energetic and the Guilt never moves back once you give it the space. The only way you can move it back is through it out of your space. So check around yourself who is making you feel guilty. Those people and/or organizations are the ones you best kick out of your life if you want to live.

The entire global capital power pyramid is hollowed out and now will start to collapse. What has represented the hollow power (power entities/holders who really do not have power themselves, but as we perceived ourselves to be powerless they could grab onto our own energy which of course translates into amassed power).

This reversal process will collapse the power matrix that has held our planet caged and all beings in servitude or entrapment. How long it will take? Dunno, depends on you, I and all of us. How long it will take us to get it. That 'their' power is illusionary power we have given up ourselves. How long it will get us to stop playing the victim and see how we have fed the system/matrix.

Choice. This is a collective homework. The matrix has been hundreds of thousands of years in the making, not easy task. Though trust it is doable. For time is now, and entire Universe is conspiring to help us. Take responsibility in looking who do you really serve, who is your Master and break the agreement ring with feeding the collapsing power paradigm on Earth. Time to cast all the rings into the fire!

Seems as civil unrest is already flaming as result of the reversal with the protests against the elites. But remember, the corporate greed and corruption is reflection of what we have allowed them to be and do to us. So do the inner work as well.

Ask to align yourself with your true self, accept your free will and align it with Divine Will, align with and nest within the Source of all. Reset yourself to self-love and unconditional self-acceptance, for our connection with the Source is in love and co-creation. Cast the rings** of self-hatred, self-judgment and guilt into the fires of Mt. Morodor! For it is those vibrations that have been holding us, ultimately, in bondage and servitude to Lucifer (for our Masters have their Master). Step out of victimhood and take responsibility for yourself. Reclaim your seniority and command, your certainty and your power! Reclaim yourself and shine your true self out the world, to universe. Make a choice and you can do it! Entire Universe will start moving your way to support you. Trust and have a faith. This is not a small feat! Entire universe’s car park is parked around our planet watching the outcome, for what we do will affect entirety of our cosmos. Our planet is the free will planet. The Earth holds the home energy for the feminine power of the Source and is not going to tolerate anymore denial of herself, and life for which She opens and holds the space to exist.

Body issues are going to continue be related to Architecture of Guilt Bondage System, which is centered at the center of human chest, so all immune system issues (asthma like symptoms, feeling of being squeezed...). Broken limbs as relates to bondage in fourth dimension.

*And I am referring to it as a force as opposed as a power (you know force vs. power), as it is going to be forceful. The Great Mother is fed up!
**Ring symbolizes spiritual agreement. We have made many to step into victim consciousness in order to have karmic experience (we barely had a choice, but we did). Time is now to keep tossing the rings until we are free to step onto dharmic path if we choose.