Sunday, December 13, 2009

Bodyworks Continues

Christchurch, New Zealand, 12 December 2009

Notice, Observe, That is All

After couple of adventurous side tours, I arrived to a totally new environment, to the opposite side of the globe to spend my hibernating times. The Island of the New and not too damaged by traumatic experiences as the Land is fairly new (in geologic terms) and history as well. So while I have been letting myself to wind down a bit at the same time, I was also struggling with old co-dependence and new co-creative concepts. At some point, I realized that the split and path diversion is about us making choice which way to go. And that while the old concept is familiar and we keep running the same circles, the new concept is scary as it is figuring out how to manifest new ways of relating amidst the old mess. Conceptually it is clear, but still unclear, how, what, where...
Somehow, I have certainty that it is OK for now to just take care of myself. Have as good food as possible. Continue to do what I can given the circumstances to support my body in the bodyworks. Tittering between two worlds, knowing that I am not going anywhere yet, taking care of myself is the most compassionate thing I can do.
Even though, I have let go of so many relationships in recent years, there is still struggle that comes from observing loved ones choosing to stay in co-dependence and suffering as a result. It is hard work to constantly reminding oneself that that is also a choice and it just means they are choosing a different path and that I can only respect whatever choices they have made. But I know there is a learning in all, and that is what has kept me going my entire life. Now, it is not any different, and mind you, all of this is piece of cake when I think of it (looking over my life in retrospect).
With all of that, there is also a picture emerging about learning how to reconcile these two diverging, but still co-existing realities in same time-space.
In addition, it has been an exercise in simply noticing and observing discrepancies in the environment and seeing how discrepancies are addressed as a result of bringing awareness. Amazing. Witnessing the power of bringing the awareness into the picture. Trusting that the energy flows. :-)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Let Body Work Its Magic

Christchurch, New Zealand, 11 October 2009

BODY - Fourth Manifested Part of God (Creation)

While previously I had thought that my next post would be about creating with magic it turns out, I was right and wrong at the same time. Magic is effortless and instantaneous manifestation. Now, I am thinking how arrogant and ignorant of me to think so. For over six years I have been working electro-magnetics of my system that I totally lost sight of the vessel. Thus, what has actually manifested is that feel totally empty, totally tired and wandering how I will make it. And I am about to embark onto the unknown road to the unknown. Bridging endeavour.

As it turns out I was wrong in that, that it is not going to be magic manifestations in the outside reality yet. But I was right in that that magic will be inside works of my body. Body magically works by itself. I realized that I have been hard on myself and that my body needs a break from all the work. Body is manifest part of God and God has a body just as we do
(we are made in God’s image, right?), plus entirety of the physical manifestation of the Universe. And since energy cannot vanish… I wonder, what we have been thinking so far. It seems so obvious now!

There has been such massive offload of the old energies and upload of the new... And human physical body due to its energetic density simply takes much longer to shift energies (to release the old and integrate the new). There are time-lines of how long it takes for complete journey of a blood drop, lymph liquid, neuron, hormone, etc... And while certainly I can applaud myself for mammoth energy shifts, now I know I have to lay low for a while. Hibernate, let all the old blocked energy to leak out of my body (toxins, thus helping body to detox is the top priority) and to reintegrate the new once there is room for it... That is how I realized that the time coming up would be non-eventful on the outside... And that I just have to let my body work its magic, while I am half asleep. Heh.

So to reiterate: entire summer and especially September have been such a power house of release of the old and upload of the new energies that now we simply have to assimilate all of it into our physical bodies. There was release of sewage like energy from the thrusting channel. Basically sewage created but unused and blocked genetic information. This information with no ability to move simply rotted, turned toxic due to stagnancy. This conversion (from letting go of the new to letting in the new) in turn is going to burden the urinary bladder channel as it will carry out all this toxic sewage out of the body. Therefore, if you are experiencing hair loss problems out of the blue it is simply due to toxins moving through the body, just let your body do what it does the best. Do not freak out and get in its way. Just stay with the process. After urinary bladder, gall bladder (and channels) will be affected, as of course liver (and channels). For me kidneys have been under stress because I was shifting a lot, but not supporting my body as much. So my kidneys are depleted as well. And I have a hunch it is like that for many.

At this time we have been releasing traumatic memories stored in our bodies. Human body has a consciousness of it’s on. Much of trauma of human body is that is has been seen just as a vessel of service to the spirit. However, at this time is the first time that human body will take its rightful and integral place as a part of creation. This is different cleanse from before. While there has been much hormonal harmonizing, and neural pathways clearing, this is cellular cleanse. Trauma and resulting toxins stored on cellular level. Hence, bone marrow, lymph system (thymus and spleen in particular), then every cell of our body. And since liver is master controller of many functions relating to production of blood, influencing lungs, intestines, kidneys, urinary bladder, plus having all toxic material go through it… Discomfort to say the least. Muscle pain, especially back due to release of the toxins on the cellular level, heightened cell acidity, so instead work out, have a massage and go to the hot springs and saunas.

All of this work, and what is to follow will affect men to a great degree and they may experience impotence and ‘low sperm count.’ This problems are not only physiological in nature. And this problem may persist for a while with men, before they clear the terror from their chests. I guess (since I am not a man), that facing impotence for men is like loosing the most important power symbol they have. Loosing something that we think it defines us, makes us finally ask the question (which sets the Universe in motion to assist us) - and in that way look at part of self, and hopefully process it and bring it to the light, finally. All in order to step off the cycle of karma and get on the dharma pathway. After all impotence will serve its purpose like everything else. Hehe ;-)

Simply, we are recovering all dimensions of self with our full physical presence. Separation of the spirit and the body is another artificial construct and programming myth that is going down the drain. At this time, there is no real healing, and no real ascension without healing of the body; and accepting and acknowledging body and thus form for its place, role, purpose and work done to hold us, and our disjointed and dysfunctional life-energy system together (end then we discarding it like an (ab)used vessel.

Thank you, my body. Thank you, body. I am sorry for all of the abuse through which I have put you.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Multidimensional Architecture of Guilt Bondage System

Bihac, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 20 September 2009

Continuation of the Guilt Energy Trap Study

As I continued to study this trap, more and more I feel it could be called the Guilt Caltrop because it is increasingly becoming of thorny and crucifying qualities. First of all, I was naïve when I though it would be that simple to deal with this thing. What I want to point out now and sort of emphasize is: fundamentals to heal this place and remove these device plus cordage/bondage attached to it. It could be named Guilt Bondage System as it has a trapping device and set of cable/bondage network.
Firstly, I now know, it is not possible to see and find this device before one graduates from the fourth dimension. It is only sitting in the fifth dimension and up that is possible to see this device and there is space that opens for studying the architecture of the entanglement. I would make guess that some of it may be similar and/or same for all people (position of the device in the body), but how will one remove this it will really take myriad of individual approaches. I personally go a little by little now and simply take it that this may be an ongoing process for a while (month-two, longer; my hunch is, it will be done in a month). But basically emphasis is that this will depend on each one experience, circumstance… It is my understanding though that only those who have gone through the process of clearing this enslaving entanglement will be able to help others willing to get rid off it.
Secondly, there is remembrance involved in doing this. It is sort of remembering something that is so old and fogged up, that we have never to this time could reach this place to remembering it. As we could not remember this time-place we could not heal the emotion of terror involved in the event and then picture imprinted in us. So healing here occurs as memory floods our conscious mind (it is released from amygdalae and ‘reptilian brain’ choke into the rest of the brain for processing and becoming part of conscious AKA enlightened mind - God’s light has access to those parts of the brain – then shedding the light and we can see finally into the hole of guilt covered with darkness – and than it is no more).

Overarching and Overreaching Architecture Guilt Bondage System

My mother’s energy presence visit helping to release more of the terror (I cried my guts out for couple of hours) and her merging with me (got some of my energy back).
The next day in energy check in my third eye I realized I have accessed full potential of my fifth and sixth layers and spotted the Trap.
999 I got the overall picture of what this was about and connected and nested my own fifth and sixth within the earth’s layer system; I have reached clarity about multidimensionality of the bondage system and complexity of the removal of it. As the trap is in fourth dimension, and cords go almost to the beginning of our existence. That means that I see them in dimensions I access, and then I cannot see them in upper dimensions [still fogged up, I have not connected to the memory and consciousness of full potential of my other dimensions (but now I know they are there and with the intent and the will it can be cleared, etc…)]. Then imagine they go up and there is closed door (that sometimes opens, I used the opportunity of 999 to access time-place portal to have a glimpse through the open door), hence cords are caught in closed door scenario, and then ‘on the other side’ they go to the time-place of the event when this emotional picture was imprinted and denied…
But imagine that denied emotion is sort of strangled and stored neatly in the deep, dark recesses of our being where God’s light does not shine; behind the doors that the reptilian brain choke holds under tight control (just like Κέρβερος watched entrance into Hades, Greek Underworld/Subconscious, tightly)
In a days that have followed, more veils fell off. At some point as I continued to study this System, I laid on the floor (I have been extremely fatigued with this entire process and sometimes I have to amend my practice…), and this laying on the floor on my back, proved very appropriate as you really want to have wide open chest area to look at and work with this. It is at this time that the Guilt Bondage System started to look more and more like crucifixion of some sort. There is really good parallel to how this look like conceptually in our everyday reality (there always is): if you can picture it, I pretty much looked to myself as one of those plastic toys that come tied to the cardboard or plastic sheet and then packed into clear plastic box. Well, it has been this kind of ties and style of tying that I have found as I requested support in removing this cords:
1. first one removed was sort of as to hold my body up right, so imagine huge letter U, bottom, curved part of the letter is on the front part of the body and then enters into the body (bellow breast) and enters out into eternity passing through layers and dimensions going to the Manipulating Master's hands. After pulling this one out:
2. the second one is about the same place and the same style at the front, but in the back is tied just in the fashion of plastic toys or as we tie electric cables to keep them neat; so in the back it turns into X and it has to be unwound, untied before it can be pulled out;
3. now I saw the Caltrop for the first time. It is lodged in that same spot I have been talking about lately: front view – behind the sternum and next to the heart; back view – UB15-16. Caltrop laid there as covered in sea grass-like gooey smudge; when pulled out it looked just like something you would pick up on the beach entangled in sea grass.
4. After this, I have intently asked God’s light to shine into recesses where the trap had been lodged. I think for a good hour I had a burping session; air coming from my lungs, esophagus, stomach… Mostly that mid-section of heart-diaphragm area.
5. But this is not all. In a later days, I removed cables that run as an infinity symbol, around bicepses of my arms: each loop tying one arm around biceps, crossed in the middle, and from there exiting into infinity through dimensions to the Master Puppeteer. [Digression: I find it entertaining to decipher peoples tattoos. Hehe, they are always in a places and symbolism of their own deep wounds… with this digression you can think yourselves of all people with cables tattooed on their bodies…]
6. There was another set of cables here that run down the arms, sort of used loops of the previous cable component went out of arms at about TW10 – to the master control. [if you look into this is our own creation or giving up of self and our own power – this particular cable set is conditioning on who should be our mate and who should we love – it is not connected to the heart, but it runs to the Master Controller. In eons time of social conditioning and the Master Controller programming we have gotten to the place where we go for what we should, and not for what we love and feel]. Arms are heart extension.
7. Cable that run from the trap through some parts of the body on the left side, exited at about UB51 and then entered at UB57, exited on the other side close by K7-8 and then tied at about SP3. And this one is peculiar because imagine when someone murders someone and want to stuff them into the trunk of the car – that is how this side of the body looks like due to this cable, because cable is designed way to short, so entire path of the cable is through warped body – to the fetal position – cable is that short.
8. If I learn of more cables I will add them on.
9. I have vibrated my layers up to my reach to have cable and this system's debris centrifuged out of my layers.
10. All that was pulled was demagnetized and deposited into Archangel Uriel’s energy recycling bin, so it could be taken to a proper cosmic recycling station.

Note: All UB15, UB57, SP3 and similar are Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupoints.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

About 9/9/9 Window of Time-Place Opportunity

16 September 2009

Report About Time of 999 and Place of the Heart and Origin of the Guilt Trap

Firstly, I would like to give a sort of rundown of some significant events this past season, as a sort of recap. These are prerequisites for staying on this planet as co-creative stewards and co-creators of life. Around this time another way of seemingly innocent souls will leave this plane. Their major sin? Denial of self and/or parts of self. Denial kills love, and you can read one of the previous posts about Pure Love.
So what do we have to do to experience again Earth Magic?
1. Make choice between (co-creative) life and (co-dependent) death.
2. Have an intent to heal, that is to transform and evolve. (by taking responsibility for our own shit, in order to achieve freedom - so far, the Earth has been holding our emotional sewage - hence we face pictures of environmental catastrophe).
3. Graduated off the karmic wheel, which roughly translates into unconditional acceptance of all parts of self (spirit, will, heart, body), and one's place and role in Creation. This is short for long battle with one's own demons, judgments, programming and conditioning clearing, etc... (through emotional release*)
"Mourners (those who are weeping), they shall be comforted (or ye shall laugh)"

4. Having achieved balance of spirit and a will in a heart, and fused subconscious with conscious (brought subconscious to the awareness, into the light and basically turned into consciousness; basically digging through our sewer system to clarify. (through emotional release)
5. Accepted one's own place and role.
6. All of the above is traveling through the fourth dimension in order to step into one's own power, place and role. For many this may have implied retaking their own power, place and role. Accordingly, many will lose their power (because it was not theirs). All of this is process of self-realization.
7. Once graduated from the fourth dimension and having access to the fifth it is further clarifying about our purpose and accessing information of self-actualizing. Only once we have accessed this dimension we can see guilt trap device and have intent to have it cleared (still working on the architecture of this device, as it is multidimensional, that is goes beyond where I am now).
8. So were you ready or not for 09/09/09 time opening? If you have achieved all of the above then you would have aligned your own balanced cross persona with the cosmic holy cross and this date provided time-space opening to cross into another dimension. This may sound fancy, and it may end up being fancy, but fit means recovering one's own layers to their full potential and capacity.
9. And coming up soon: accessing the sixth dimension is accessing instantaneous manifestation of intent-vision into form - magic.

A Bit About Body at This Time
Much work around heart and relationships right now. Since this is still high time for self-actualizing this will also reflect greatly in the area of thymus gland. Thymus gland (high heart) reflects how true we are in expressing our hearts - communication between heart and the throat (expressing how we really feel and live life true to our own heart). So far humanity has known this gland to start shrinking in the teenage years.
Guilt clearing out of the body is a lots of burping. One wonders where all that air has been stored? It feels as air pockets coming out of stomach, esophagus, diaphragm...
Lungs - with guilt and device clearing there will be slow clearing from the lungs, sometimes manifests ind sharp pain an dry cough.
Terror is still on the menu (adrenals; flight-fight; that may mean some hormonal imbalance), and as result different eating habit (sweets or something).
Anxiety and anxiety attacks...

Now there is a story again and maybe it is going to be strange mix, but looking back on what I wrote in the last few posts, it was all in the making.

In the first week of September I have a lot going on internally, and then in addition to that, I had this urgency about going to Bosnian Pyramids. Everything was vague in my head; swirl of many pictures as to what is a purpose of me going there. Information swirl consisted of
  • I am the key for this time-place
  • healing, healing, healing
  • accessing ancestral memory - ancestral earth keeping codes
  • new code update - exchange of new blueprint codes with the Earth
  • bringing the consciousness into the time-place through time-space portal
  • reconnecting this place into the planetary grid
  • grid meltdown into plasma like no-time, no-space all is possible spatial fabric will transform with time (soon, but over period of time, not in a flash)
In what I described in August post, I have had a knowing that I have accessed full potential of my fifth layer (fifth dimension). Also I become aware that this access have given me an opening for another level of healing and it is sort of healing of the core of the core; original cause, what lies underneath it all. I have already written about spotting the guilt trap from that vantage point. Now, I have knowing that its tentacles reach through layers/dimensions and that it may take some time before all is cleared. I will make separate post about this, for it has been work in progress, so I will keep adding to it as I go.

A Bit About Coding
Earth Keeper: To access ancestral codes and remember of original task/charge assigned: that of being the Earth Keeper, from my experience necessitates many tears shed (emotional body clearing).
Mapmaker: To access new codes and assume ones role of Mapmaker requires clearing of veils that stand between me and the God. Clearing the information/communication channel. No white noise, no transmitters, no mediators, accessing a direct channel of communication. Only Source and I (naked, that is stripped of all shenanigans). Discernment is the tool here.
Codebreaker: I could not have done any of it have I not broken through the programming and conditioning codes, codes of judgment personal and social, etc... That is why I am seemingly utterly alone at this time.

Seemingly Uneventful Day At the Top of the Pyramid of the Sun on 09/09/09

Intro: The Pyramid of the Sun is in Visoko, Bosnia & Herzegovina. Pyramids are geometric objects that provide following function: they collapse multidimensional into non-dimensional, that is, into a point (top/tip of the pyramid). So imagine funneling of energy. Spiraling energy coming from the center of the Earth, and that energy being channeled by the sides of the pyramid into its point where this energy then exits. Since the energy is funneled, it is amplified and focused when it reaches the exit point - a zero point (as you can see what is between blue and red spiral on this drawing). And it exits to create its mirror image. At the place of a zero point I was intent to access on one hand the energy stream coming from the center of the Earth and hearth chakra (having that vibratory quality), and on the other energy stream from the center of the Universe, from the Source. They intersect in the zero point, and provide a portal for, hehe, "remote viewing" of what is beyond the pale...
What is great about the pyramid of the Sun is that since it is buried you can actually climb to the top of the pyramid and sort of have the access to the zero point.
That was an overcast and pretty cool day with occasional sprinkle of rain. After strenuous hike (because I chose to go straight up route), I came to the top and found myself nice place to sit. I waited for few people to leave the site. I grounded and run my energy, aligned and nested my field within the Earth/Cosmic field (Key). I have asked Archangels to clear as much as they can from the surface of the land, bellow the land (some of the tunnels bellow have had disincarnate beings trapped for probably couple of tens of thousands of years - certainly died accidental death), and above the land - all within 600 km radius, including clearing attachments off people, if people were in agreement and ready to let go off their parasitic teachers. Invited Fairy Queen to help with recovering memory about Earth Magic. In some ways, I felt I had to do this in order to have unobstructed energy exchage with the land.
Some of these are, sort of, separate themes even though they do merge further in the past I go, and they do have common point of origin.
I have known that we have been updating our ancestral matrilinial information for a while so I was intent on exchanging info with this particular energy place.
And as I have been reporting we are in this together with the Earth, so I was wanting to look at the Earth's Guilt Tripping device. What I saw when I requested this, was a little bit strange.

Picture one
Submerged land, crystal clear water, missing pyramid, temple. Pyramids lay deeper under the layers of soil then what is currently presenting as scratched surface of the pyramid. Subsequent use of this same area always for sacred practice and with innate knowledge of energetics of the place.

Picture two
In the overarching context, the vision I had was about the origin of the guilt trap and and emotion that was then swallowed and that has kept us captive. However, the good news is that because of seeing this picture, it is indicative that this picture has entered into consciousness to be healed, and I have seen cords of enslavement falling off.

Angels, Slave-runners and Pyramids
The time was right before we would come to the planet Earth. Our ancestors (spirits to be humans) were born to be mates for the angels. Angels did not want to mate with us and did not want to go to the Earth, because they felt that closer to God they are the more powerful they are. Since, we had to go, we first felt terror of guilt that we have to accept something that may not be to our liking and at the same time that is the only choice, so as we started off we took in feeling of terror as well as the guilt. That guilt of not accepting everybody was about extreme electric energy beings (EEEs***). Origination of guilt trap.
So what do they have to do with angels and pyramids? Through this guilt-terror entanglement they have had corded to us and have been our slave runners ever since. Angels? They have too weak of magnetic field and
spirits-to-be-humans with more powerful magnetic field were meant to compensate and be "perfect mates." But that was not to be. Angels had stuck there in the heavens with God, until the war in heavens when because of their lack of will they betrayed the God and attached themselves to Lucifer. They fell off grace of God. Then they worked for Lucifer and were overarching masters of EEEs, who then run humans, because after all none of the upper structures of this architecture can survive without magnetic force (because it opens space for existence).
In time of Atlantis many of Angels were incarnated in power positions in Atlantian temples. They were advanced civilization technologically, as it has been known and rumored. However they had not mastered, nor had they achieved balance. Quite the opposite, or we would have been Atlanto-Lemurians, and we are not; but for a faint memory here and there.
So finally, the basic information about the pyramids is that they are pre-flood and that they are buried deeper then current digs. There have been layers of use in all times. There is huge temple complex, and fittingly this Atlantian temple complex was a originating place of demise of Atlantis - overamping of the crystal (Atlantis had a series of temples) that caused the end of this civilization. The actual cause was power hunger, literally power hunger. Those who had instigated this at that time were of angelic origin in human form. There is a story here. They are today on Earth, also power hungry working in the labs around the Earth trying to generate more power through fusion, fission, etc...). No wander scientific community does not want to even look into possibility of researching if there are pyramids in Bosnia. It is not easy to face our own shitty reflections.
More of the Terror in our Bones From That Time
Spirits-to-be-humans on the way to earth had experienced something no spirit had had experienced before. They traveled rapidly through dimensions and it was so fast, and at some point God turned away to attend to another 'problem' and in that way the flow of God's light was stopped and with that stream of conscious awareness. What that meant that spirits-to-be-humans lost consciousness and had come to Earth unconscious, and not fully remembering. Just as Sinead had made into song "All Babies."
Feeling that accompanied this transversing was feeling of terror that stayed with us ever since. The terror is of compression and suffocation because of traveling down dimensions at the rapid speed. We reexperience this terror every time we are birthed. I know that some illuminated souls out there intuitively know something is amiss about birthing process and there is more and more consciousness about birthing process and there are more and more women who are trying to do their best to alleviate this trauma. [Research conscious birth, natural, water birth... if you are interested to learn more about this.]

Current Media Picture
In the last couple of days the US media has a spotlight on the murdered Yale Grad student Annie Le. And I thought with this case
I can illustrate the Law of Attraction. Since we are working at this time energy of terror, this is really good example. By the way she died, I know that she met her ultimate most suppressed, denied emotion - terror. And 'original' terror if I can call it that. Terror of compression and suffocation. Her murderer was exact polar opposite of denied emotion of terror - he held rage, which is terror's opposite emotion. Energetic match made in hell.
Had Annie had any awareness of her terror, and accepted it and worked it to try to loosen it up, and eventually release it, she would have not met her denied energetic polarity - enraged coworker Clark. To further try to give understanding of this work: terror is heavily denied emotion, thus gets a minus, negative value. The more negatively we value it the further down "our throats" will go. The more intensely denied it is the more intensely can swing back.
Then we get fixated (programming, condition; social or religious) on all things positive, and we would not hurt the fly. Yet, this terror is there and affects our field no matter how hard we try to control our emotional body with "positivism." In the end, depending on the intensity of denial we slow down to disease state or death. The other aspect is that it affects the Earth field; and as All is One, it may hurt people the half world away. Another observation is: the more something person is concerned about - it is their cause - the more they contribute to the energetics that have created that problem in the first place.

And to get back to my visit to Visoko, I worked on neutralizing all the planted crystals (people with Atlanitan karmic connection come and plant them), and reconnected the place into the Earth grid. It is interesting looking into recent history of Bosnia and Herzegovina, being sort of black hole on the map, and suffering again disconnect of the place of balance (Mostar bridge). So if we do not understand magnetic energy; if we do not balance masculine-feminine; conscious-subconscious=always breaks in the heart area. Be it Earth or human.

* Emotional release is freeing emotional/magnetic body; freeing our own will; the most often manifests as crying.
** EEEs - They did not look nice, cool, they were like bullies on the block. because of this original guilt we still have connection to this 'guys' and it is enslavement connection. Some people refer to them as to reptiles, aliens, etc. and they run most of 'power places on the Earth today. They have no magnetic within their energy field. They are purely electric. Since, magnetic is emotional/feminine/will body is our evolutionary vehicle, you can then deduce that they cannot evolve, and they cannot pass into fifth dimension. Their reign is fourth dimension - hehe, you can see why it is so tough to get through the fourth dimension. They hate magnetic/emotional/feminine/will, but cannot exist without it.

Post scriptum:
20 September 2009

Hehe, the last night I read the Quantum Awakening: Global Electronic Newsletter (September 2009 issue) created by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan (stamped at September 17). I can not help it, I have to plaster portion of this newsletter here. It is sort of the other side of the 'Angels story.' This is the one, it looks like, as from the Angels' point of view. Enjoy.


As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Many of you have reached up to the Heavenly realms asking for help, assistance, and miracles. Never before have the Heavenly Hosts and the Angels heard such a cry. Never before have we issued millions of angels to come forth and wrap themselves all around Earth.

In the Angelic World, we wear many forms colors and energies. Sometimes we come forth as a single drop of rain upon your face. Sometimes we come forth as a breeze touching your cheek. Sometimes we can be seen in the clouds as a brilliant luminosity. Sometimes we are a single tiny dot of light and othertimes we are big enough to embrace all of earth. We vary in size in color and light. We vary in jobs and in position and in understandings of humans. We are not those who have fallen from death on your planet. We are a completely different type of being, one who listens to your every beck and call. The Heavenly Father issued you to be in charge of us. Finally, after so long, we are set free to do our job, to love and protect you. Each one of you has a multitude of us around you. We flit about as a butterfly in a palace rose garden.

When you were born you were given an angelic guardian. We come forth to allow you the experience the grace, the glory of peace amongst all the turmoil. We are what brings a smile to your face in the midst of a hectic day when just for a moment you remember us and just for a moment you experience peace.

We are just as real as you are. We are just at a different frequency of light. We cry for you, we laugh with you, we talk about you, we think about you -- for we are in love with you. We are in love with your joys, and we are saddened by your hurts. For every part of you resonates to a part of us, but we need your full attention as you move through these next time sequences. Send us to the battlefields. Send us to those that sleep in fear. Send us to those that hurt. We are to be issued to all of humanity. Unfortunately you only call to us in times of despair, but we are here always.

Allow us to come into your world, to run your errands of light, to run your errands of hope, to run your errands of healing. It is our job as we serve the creator for you. Do not keep packing your soul with heavy burdens allow us, by your asking, to lighten your load literally. Send us to those you are worried about. Send us to those who only think of themselves and no one else. Send us into the day before you venture out. The miracles are held in our hearts and released from our hearts to your hands. Receive them by your belief. Receive them by your faith.

We are issued to humanity by the Heavenly Father himself. In the beginning we looked down upon humans, we thought, how could such a lesser being, a lesser species– know how to delegate to us – such fine-lined filaments of heavenly light. As we have quietly observed you throughout time, we know that you hold within you a great heart and a great possibility for the future. It is this knowing that brings us joy. It is this knowing that helps us to become involved in your daily affairs.

For as I have spoken – we are minute and we are vast, beyond your knowing. You know many of our commanders such as Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael – but they are but a few of the trillions upon trillions of us that await your acknowledgment. For that is our job and the Father pushes us to do so. We cannot be called forth into action unless it is by you. We sit on the edge of the light, waiting for your call like a love sick girl on date night.

The truth is we have fallen in love with you. We have finally opened our heart to you and all resentment of the past has been dissolved. We understand the wishes and the longings of the Creator now. We understand the destiny of mankind now. For in the very beginning – you're beginning, we did not. So let us love you and allow yourself to love us. We shall work as a team, to help dissolve all of the pain on the Earth. Let us help you heal. Let us help you bring more love into your marriages, into your families, into your life. We are so much more then what you understand. We love you. We truly do. We apologize deeply for any sadness that we caused you in the beginning of time.

Understand that this battle that you fight on earth has fallen from the heavens to be played out on earth. Allow the angels of light to come. It is now time for you to reinstate what was divinely directed for you to do in the beginning. call upon the angels and we will be here with one word, one thought, and one breath.

Just laughing, what else I can do? Now, in retrospect it is funny to notice that image of an angel carrying a heart is etched in the human psyche. The only thing it is not about carrying but taking it away... One wisdom I extracted from this process is that NOTHING is as it seems. And is there not some prophecy(ies) about everything being turned upside down?


3 October 2009
The Book of Henoch
Accidentally or not this information came my way, I decided to add it to this post: I found that Book One of
the Book of Henoch contains "an account of the fall of the angelic 'Watchers,' their punishment, and the patriarch's intervention in their history" as quoted in Catholic Encyclopedia. I learned that this book is considered apocryphal and that evangelists offer "solid reasons to reject the book of Enoch as inspired by God." It seems as the major disturbing news of this Book is that humans can be Godly or there is belief in apotheosis.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Energy Trap and Pure Resonance

6 September 2009

What is a Purpose of Following the Path Finding the Pure Love and True Self at This Time?

Since the time when the Apple was introduced into the Great Story of Human Evolution, as result there has had been colossal rippling effect that this apple has produced. The apple, foreign genetic material introduced into our bodies has been functioning as the Foreign Energy Interference in our energy field. It has been mtDNA* scrambling device (hence on the Eva’s side) or energy trap. This trap has been lodged at about UB15** on the left side of our bodies, behind the heart. After this scrambling mtDNA device was introduced, as human race all of the sudden we had jump started our ‘progress:’ Alphabet, farming, ‘civilizations,’ etc. But wait with literacy and bread we have gotten pyramidal structured social hierarchy with slaves on the bottom, couple of layers of bureaucrats, clergy (evolved into technocrats), top dog priests-scientists, and all of the sudden God had came down from the heavens and become a God-King on earth! The point is here is not the price of a progress, it is that with the data/information scrambling device and introduction of God on earth who is of, (man, this is the biggest irony of all), self-appointed rightful LINEAGE, we have lost our direct communication with God! We have gotten many interpreters to tell us what God has to say. Uncovering the Pure Love and True Self within is enabling self to finally know and hear God without interpreters, which is to hear ourselves. It is closing the cycle of slavery. The cage has been self-inflicting Guilt, and corded chains were of self-hatred. Of course, if Pure Love comes from God, Hate opens doorway for Lucifer/Shaitan manipulation. However, I do want to remind that if emotional body needs to express hate toward something, it has to be expressed, in order not to take hold inside, and then attract Hateful Light. Many people on earth at this time cannot distinguish between difference in Lucifer’s and God’s Light. It seems that some may subconsciously know something is not right and they react to it, but they do not have awareness what is reason for their reaction. Today’s societies function on the premise of superiority and therefore dominance of civilized societies. Even though we have been slaves within this mechanical snake***. Allowing the emotional/magnetic body to move and to balance emotions that have been trapped by that energy trap mtDNA scrambling device (it could be referred as guilt-tripper, hehe), has firstly loosen the charge and entanglement of emotions with Guilt and then this in turn has allowed the Pure Love of God to enter where it has not been before and Pure Love has been pushing out the Guilt. Standing naked again in the Light of God and I could see the trap. I demagnetized and pulled out the trap, asking the Archangel Uriel to help with recycling the device. Check Lisa Renee’s newsletter of August 15, 2009 under Solar Cross for comparison****. The other picture I saw was my chakra system been in Pure Resonance. It is as they are little light balls glowing in their true colours. So then what is significance of all of this. With 09/09/09 flood gates of memory and remembrance stored in our personal mtDNA will be open. This remembrance will aid us to find our True and Original Purpose. Each one of us has a unique vibrational signature and with that we charged with particular Gift from God. Only we know that and no one else can do what we can do with our unique gift. Therefore, finding our purpose is recovering our original vibration, and then using our vibration for ourselves (it is identical concept to Path of Righteousness - Dharma) and others (co-creating), as they are going to be using theirs, all in order to piece the puzzle and fabric of life that is spontaneous (as opposed to regulated), synchronized (as opposed to timed) and self-sustaining (as supposed to parasitic), as it was intended to be. To achieve this, it is possible only with freeing ourselves from the tight grip of slavery, process of self-realization in order to recover the full and direct communication with the Source. With recovering this communication channel we will be on the Path of Self-actualization, which is using our true vibration to its fullest potential and fulfilling our Divine Gift through Divine Purpose. No one can stand in for anyone else. No one can hold what is not theirs. Energy-wise or role-wise... It does not matter if is conscious (abuse of magic) or unconscious (co-dependent relating) affair. Being unconscious is not redeemable necessarily (and from purely energetic perspective is simply state of energy field). Seeking awareness is setting on a quest to find oneself and the Source (and clearing and achieving full potential of an energy field). However, humans have sometimes literally applied meaning of this quest to know as simply reading, reciting, etc. Learning as we can see from the beginning of the story of how did we get alphabet and institutions of knowledge, and in this context means learn yourself – regain your consciousness, your awareness, for that is Source Light (pure unhinged information – that is your own information) and together with our own will (emotional/magnetic body) we can discern what is Love and what is Guilt; what is God’s light and what is Lucifer’s light (for they both shine their light), what is ours and what is not ours, etc... Now, that I am at it, scientific community (medical profession included) need to look their involvement and check what light they are choosing. I am saying this because at this time there is a lots of Atlantis karmic clearing. at this time and I connect it with the science world. Many on the planet see Atlantis as sort of superior technologically civilization, but that superior civilization blew itself up. Many are having that karma to work out at this lifetime. and they are still in the same business... Hehe. Here, I also want to introduce the book that was presented to me through the Powell's Bookstore Daily Dose Newsletter, at the time I was writing this post. Check for yourself if you have a chance: The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing, Traitor to the Nation, Volume One: The Pox Party.
Now, the question is what went wrong with the tribal living? If they were living harmoniously with nature, what went wrong, I mean, if energy is harmonious there would have not been the experience of the Apple? How did we get enslaved? In tribe, an individual was weak link. If one lost its tribe or was exiled from a tribe, it was like receiving a death sentence. Tribe was founded on the tight co-dependent linkages among its members and more co-creative towards the planet/nature. Tribal system was the weakest at the solar plexus of each individual member (that is why indigenous peoples have huge problem with diabetes – third chakra, and alcoholism combination of third and fourth imbalance). Through self-hatred and super low self-esteem they have let the monster in.
As humanity and collective of individual soul/spirits we have come huge circle being involved in lesson of planetary-cosmic proportions to regain Self-love, Self-acceptance, etc… as only with fully self-realized and self-actualized individuals practicing conscious co-creative relating can we have healthy fabric of life and self-sustaining communities. All of this has been about to be prepared to access your long lost memories... And regain all of the above.
Answer then is: remembrance - in particular of past life memories. Stored in mtDNA. Memories of original Earth when there was still magic on earth. Memories that may go even further, but also more recent one past lives.
Issues around this time have been urinary bladder (infections), lungs, pressure headaches, cellular level toxic clearing… In coming days issues related to the throat chakra, back of the neck, and headaches. Ground yourself and take it easy. Drink lots of water.

* mtDNA - Mitochondrial DNA
** UB15 is Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupressure point on a Urinary Bladder Meridian
*** As it is mentioned in the two previous posts.
**** I have been naive to think that I can remove this device in one go. But I am studying the architecture of this device and I will keep writing as I learn more about it (this footnote added September 15, 2009).

Friday, September 4, 2009

Magnetic Reconnection

4 September 2009

As Explained by NASA's Feature Story - "Honey, I Blew up the Tokamak"*

In a my post of the 8th of May 2009 I talked a bit about fabric of space that is lacking or has too weak of magnetic field and what happens when Magnetic/Feminine is introduced into it. This kind of scenario could be applied on the microscopic level to the cell structure as well. Too weak of a magnetic energy on cellular level and you may be autistic, or having various muscular disorders, etc...

Then in the post of the 31st of August 2009, I mentioned that I introduced Divine Magnetic into the top of my head (prior to that I would do Magnetic through the soles of my feet) in my energy running routine. And this magnetic had lit up my brain circuitry in seconds. Basically reconnected neural pathways; it looked like light impulses running through, sort of, 'optic fibers' as they, in a way are in our heads.
In the post of the 5th of December 2008, I, also stated that energy crises is result of the energy crisis within and then it manifested without. God's energy is self generating and it does not need parasitizing, hence truly sustainable (overused and prostituted word by now).
Hehe, NASA says in their feature news of the 31st of August 2009 that advancement in a study magnetic reconnection could ultimately help alleviate the energy crisis on Earth.
I am not very trusting of science, but this recognition is significant. They are also tapping into global consciousness and 'reading' what is in vogue. Even though, of course, I know they are barking up the wrong tree - it is a bit too little and too late (I mean, the way how they are going about it).
It is funny that I found out this blog post just after I wrote story about mechanical snake in previous post.
It has a great picture of 'mechanical snake.' For me symbolism of 'mechanical snake' is techno-bureaucratic monster of human consciousness: 'the System' with its institutions: schools, institutes, ministries, agencies... Moreover, the Snake is created by the
techno-bureaucratic monster of human consciousness. He-he.

*A bit more about it:

Monday, August 31, 2009

Evolution of Consciousness Is Love Seeking To Understand Itself

31 August 2009
Pure Love*

Since I started to receive pictures of gap and gap crossing last spring, I have seen that it was LOVE and emotional expression (even if not love only) that will create the bridge to cross the gap. I have seen people at the great distances as ‘falling in love’ and having this long distance love relationships - in a way creating the Love Grid across the planet. I have had a lot of confusion around this picture because for me it was deeply personal. Few people I love are all around the world and apart. I was not understanding fully my picture (hence I did not write about it before). Since then, I have processed and released more of what has been in a way of my clarity, and came to place of being neutral within. I have been sitting in certainty and knowing that now I just have to wait for the right time. In my wait, I am still dropping the veils and learning more.

Physical Body Adjusting to Astral Body Update

What has transpired lately is that the best thing of laying low and waiting has been allowing the time to our physical body to adjust to changes of astral body blueprint that are of such immense significance… This adjustments on our bodies are necessary ingredients and step on our Path of Self-realization and Self-actualization (Post about the Magic is in the making and it closely relates to Self-actualizing). What is clear to me now is that this is double crossing or rather bridging:
within and without.

For to cross within we have had to do all the homework I have been writing about since the beginning of this blog, emotional movement necessary in the emotional-magnetic body; physically and anatomically this has resulted in reptilian brain releasing its grip on the other more developed parts of our human brain and in particular our limbic brain. [And of course in turn this also means physiological changes and adjustments; change of our bodily biochemistry: from ph and hormonal levels to neuronal exchanges, etc…]. This was required to make the bridge between our left and right brain hemispheres. Corpus callusum will finally take its place of balancing and bridging these sides of our brain so that there is no dominant side. Brain hemispheres will be harmonized and will be working in constant harmony > making our brain a unified, one brain – no more ‘spherical/polarized’ distinction. This will increase brain capacity as well as creativity of individual. Each side will make its contribution effortlessly, much like a dance of well tuned couple.
Bridging the gap without
Will follow (as always) inner transformation. It feels as it will take longer time span, as we are going to be crossing multitudes of multidirectional (means to all to what we relate from Earth, Sun, Water, to partners, sons, daughters, schools, trees, etc.) relational gaps. However, to cross the relational gap it requires work on both sides and meeting in the middle – thus relational gap crossing is co-creating endeavor. If there is no such and an effort/commitment on both sides than that will manifest in relational break up and moving apart in time-space continuum. Even if it is seemingly the most loving and most tied relationship like, for instance, mother-son, father-daughter, Romeo-Juliet kind of relationship. However, this effort and commitment is just matter of the will and desire to move in whatever direction and then it will come spontaneously and synchronously, hence effortlessly, as if the whole universe will support this movement. Consequently, it is conditioned by willingness and desire, that is to say, based in the Truth of the Heart. This kind of coming together is sustainable in nature. Based solely in co-creative energy exchange relationships will be attractive through vibrational matching. So if our entire Path is about Love understanding itself and finding truth about itself then we have come to place of feeling into what the love is and what is not. And in a way, I know we are the bottom of it, as maybe there is still same rage and terror present (the most denied emotions on the planet, and thus, the last ones to be faced. But now that they are in the light for the first time ever, they are on their way to balance out. Terror is at the bottom of it, as it was a terror that got entangled with the GUILT from the time we can barely remember in our bones. And then - everything else piled on top.

Myth of Unconditional Love Is Created by GUILT

Also, it is feeling of terror that you have to make place for guilt or you are not loving [story of Adam and Eve and Story Two - My Story later in this text].

Story One
This story was told by my teacher in the class and is her dream/vision of finding about unconditional love and extreme differentiation of co-creative and co-dependent (or at least that is what I making out of it).
So she had encountered a great snake and as her expression of being co-creative human she wanted to express her co-creative and loving nature by kissing the snake. However, snake bit her back. She repeated this several times believing that snake would ‘come around’ as if changed by love. Snake continued biting her. She was afraid but she had stayed resolute in to find out what the deal was. Hence, as much as she was fearing the snake she has continued to observe and study the snake. Finally, through her observation she become to notice that snake was not a snake, but artificially created mechanism that was simply programmed into biting and that was the only function it could perform.
I see this story as extremely fitting to illustrate that there is limit to unconditional acceptance and unconditional love. The limit is if you see that after a while an energy balance is very inequitable among the relating parties that should be time to see where is energy leak (normally the warning sign of inequitable energy exchange is some sort of illness, some manifestation that brings our attention back to self). Hence, unconditional love and unconditional acceptance are reserved only for SELF, for our own emotions, shortcomings and brilliance, etc. Everything outside of the self should be felt by our will/emotional body and responded freely, even if that means yelling at someone, "I hate you." (Especailly, if that is something we really feel at the moment). The magnetic energy field (emotional body) must be allowed to move freely. The will/emotional body (feminine aspect) has held belief that unconditional acceptance in love meant making place for everything. Even death. The will has been holding death as it was told by guilt it is unloving to put anything outside of self. And will (opens space for creation - a field) cannot hold everything. Love and guilt cannot co-exist in the same place because of vibrational differences, and yet they have been entangled holding our emotional and thus physical body captive (human body and planetary body). And wherever guilt comes in, it never makes space for anything else. Nor does it move back, or on in any way. It cannot evolve as that is not Guilt's intention and/nor choice.
Writing all of this just to say that there are things I do NOT LIKE, and to say that we do not have to like everything, and moreover that we do not have to express liking for everything! Also, we cannot train/entrain ourselves or our brains to be positive and then to see the world through the pink glasses, and if we are negative we will see only ugly things. This is bull shit. What ever we have judged negative and then hide it, will stay and hold energy back until we release the judgment, and then everything else. Something that is not pleasing to us in the environment or outside of selves is the same as bodily disease. It is the sign of misalignment or imbalance. If someone thinks can train/control oneself into positivism by avoiding to see ugly and pretend all is fine it is form of denial. Hehe, denial is the first stage in healing. So then there is a long way to go, if one has healing and evolution of SELF and the planet in mind.

Recognition of guilt comes with the evolution of Love understanding itself. So death (is opposite from life, and God is life, light, love giving) and guilt will be tossed out life seeking creation (the grand separation, sort out, rapture, etc.). At this particular time we, consciously or subconsciously, are dealing with these emotions and separations. This manifests in much stomach problems (guilt release, because God's Pure Love is penetrating where it has space to fill it in), panic attacks (facing feeling of terror), anger fits (rage covering up feeling of terror)… If you are in a point of balance at this time you can still be releasing guilt, can be experiencing extreme fatigue and urticaria like symptoms (similar to allergy); where fatigue and urticaria are simply our bodies reaction to the outside environment that is much ticker then our space that we have been clearing for so long that has achieved certain lightness. Basically, it is difference in density.
The other day, I had gone with a friend to a mountain side, a place ridden with the last war's energies (enemy combatants positioned themselves there and where shelling the town for over three years): front line’s trenches, mines, disincarnate beings… Place was so energetically dense… Now some fourteen years after war, it has seemed as place’s density attracts unconscious (dense energetic field) people, who are continuing assault onto the mountain side, by almost clear cutting it, and really using it in abusive way - nature responded in much of the forest being diseased. Later, I explained to my friend: think you are walking through the air; then imagine you are wading through the waist deep water – it slows you down; then imagine you are plowing through the waist deep snow – that is the energy of Grabez (place name where we were). Now, I should have pretended that it is beautiful? No, I needed to bring an awarness that something is not right!
[Side note: I did ask Archangel Micheael to take care of disincarnate beings, Archangel Uriel to sort them out, Archangel Gabriel to take them to their proper bins of transformation and Archaengel Rafael to bring his presence and emerald green light to heel the place. As I did invite the Fairy Queen to vibrate into memory of Earth magic. Etc.].

If you followed any of my writing you are getting that we have an effect on the plight and energy of ourselves and the Earth. And that God is expecting us to take our freedom and responsibility back for ourselves. Once we freely and responsibly run our own energy field we are not going to be pushing away from ourselves what we have termed ‘negative’ into the Earth. After all the Earth is not going to hold any of our crap anymore and that is why personal and system break downs. Any suppressed energy is going back where is not being accepted, but it has originated with person, organization, system will be breaking it up.
So then again, the moral of the story is: unconditional acceptance and unconditional love is conditional after all: applies only to SELF: to get into Evolution of Love one has to accept all of him/herSELF; once accepted there has to be room for free emotional expression – which is basically free movement of the will/emotional body/magnetic in our field; one does NOT have to accept what does not feel good to oneSELF. It has been guilt that has told to SELF(us) that is not loving not to accept unconditionally what has not felt good to our emotional body. It is nature of emotional body to be subjective and that it is OK.
From the first post I have been talking about the grand process of transformation. Many religious teachings have a concept of the Path of finding the true self, from tariqah to alchemy… Besides, I have been ranting about rage and terror since the earliest posts. Yet, they are still vibrating and tuning, as well as the Guilt is bubbling away. Simply because there is still rage, and more terror entangled in peoples’ and planetary energy fields. But the first wave of pioneers is about to wave beacon from the other side (9/9/9).

3 September 2009

Story Two; My Story: My Mother's Visit
Lately, I have known that I must be having unmoved terror inside of my energetic field, but that was theoretical conclusion I made based in what I have learned so far about energy and basic energetic principles. Also, lately I have begun to tell myself, I do not know why do I have to say or make it appear as I like something when I do not like something. I mean I look into something and I ‘should' be saying thanks God, this is something so stupendous, wonderful and I enjoy it, when the TRUTH was that there are many things I do not like and I say I do not like them, but then as if there is this nag telling me that I should love it. Even that is not of significance, but what I want to announce is that I was slowly getting to the core, to the cause, to the TRUTH.

As I was writing my blog today, I started to feel so heavy. And even though I had risen up two-three hours prior, I had to close up what I was doing. I sat down to run my energy, but even that was too much, I had to lay down. So I did. I decided to run my energy while laid down and in reversed order if I could say so. Yesterday for the first time, while I was sunbathing (that is how I got the idea, my soles were turned up towards the sun), and than today for the second time I did this reverse energy run. Namely, after grounding myself I invited magnetic/feminine energy to come through the top of my head, and electric/masculine through my sole chakras (K1s). It was interesting to ‘observe' that magnetic when enters through the top of the head really has made sort of tiny multicoloured lightning storm. It felt just as there was light flying everywhere sort of as in fashion of connecting circuitry that have been disconnected. I did want to mention this, because this energy run went against anything I have ever learned about how to do it.
[I do want to make a disclaimer that this is probably not good thing to do, if you are just at the beginning stages of clearing and balancing of your system.] Regardless, I was still feeling, sort of, totally relaxed. Then I felt a need to sleep a bit, and I turned to my side little curled. I had not fallen asleep, so I was not in a dream space, I was totally aware, when I felt my mother presence. [My mother has passed away when I was teenager.] I have never experienced her this way before. She has ‘sat’ into that bit of space I left open as I had curled. It was really as when the mother attends sick child. She placed her hand on my forehead, and she sort of caressed down my hands and my legs. We started to ‘talk’ through the third eye. I said to her, “You had left me such a huge burden!’" She was apologizing to me and holding me. As we had continued talking I realized that all that burden have been things she has not loved, and I have not loved either. Actually, I have had pretty clear memory of feeling of terror I had for inheriting all of that: house, sister, role of parent I did not want, role of landlady I did not want, role of housekeeper I did not want [my dad was gone two years prior to my mom]…
I was in such deep state of terror that I felt it all freeze inside of me - I did not know what to do with it. At some point she placed her hand at this spot behind my heart where I have had this frozen emotional entanglement for the longest time. I have known it, it is there. There have been frozen emotions of rage and grief and I have released from that same place many times. [My mother was made to forgo her love by her parents (of course, in spirit was her choice), and then pushed to stay in abusive relationship with my father - I was not born out of love**. She stoically put up with it never to say a word to her parents, but all that created so much bitterness inside of her that she died of sepsis at the age of 36.]

With that I started to cry my guts out, and flood gate of memories and revelations opened at the same time, and I completely understood situation I was in and why I was not liking so many things and was not able to hold on to what I liked. As prosaic as it may sound, I was losing everything left and right. From my creations, to not being able to be where I wanted to be and visit with people I wanted to visit, to becoming aware that was why I had so much 'space' and home problem. Never being able to have space I knew I wanted and needed to create my heart's desire. As this was going on, I was sort of showing this to my mom, and we have had this unsaid mutual understanding of significance of the moment and the process. I was having a strong feeling that this was going to finally open a space for me and my life to live it the way I want it.
As all of this was subduing I also said to the mother, "You did not love me when I was born." She embraced me and I could feel love exchange. And I cried.
Moments later she laid behind me and merged with me as through my bone structure.

*Pure Love is Love without Guilt mixed in it
** I have not known any of these stories until recent years when in my healing process I tried to understand relationship of my mother and father and I started to ask questions to those I could.

And for the heck of it: I love this song as I do this video.It is fitting, hehe.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Guilt Bubbling Up and Away

23 August 2009
To Let the Love In

Super short update, as much is not going on besides more of clearing and energy sorting. We are in the gap looking for all that is maybe still laying around on the bottom of the bottom. Seemingly unafraid at this time. So our journey was to prepare us to be able to face our own gaps.
And as by now we know as we change inwardly our outside reality evolves. Hence, as we stepped into the deepest most inner self and are looking at the traces of all that has been laying hidden and still maybe present within, only this time with certain detachment that comes with full acceptance of who we are and the way we are. In a way, it is feeling of, OK, I AM, and I am OK the way I AM. It is feeling of just being.
Basically, all that we have denied and resisted before has either evolved or
now we accept it as valid part of self; gives us state of being energetically balanced or in a way neutral. We have lost most of the charge that has held us 'compressed' and captive. Sort of like a concept of a black hole. More we hold something and more we deny and resist it, the heavier and/or more compressed is becoming and with time is sort of falling onto itself.

As our relationship to self has changed, now the time is coming to have reforming of our other relationships. Love is connecting force, and it is through love that we will find our own center, connection to the Source, others, and all we need, want, etc.

Where and what love has been I am not going to write about as of now, as I set out just to say, that these last week or so, guilt has been bubbling up and away. Guilt has been holding the Earth and all of us captive in a cage grid. Guilt has been mixed in with love, if there was love ever present. We have not known pure love.

Now there is room for loving light of God to enter into recesses of our being that has been emptied out of Guilt (this did not occur just now, guilt grid has been loosened up, shaken, vibrated out for a long time, and this has been additional release.) However, Guilt will have to go off the planet and at this time was coming out of the place of where it had been originally received: and held our gut, solar plexus, in that way many may have suffered nausea, almost like motion sickness;
regurgitation of some sort (bubbling up)...

So you may celebrate yourself and your process. Congratulate yourself for coming to the bottom of things. Of course, everyone's process is different and there maybe many more pieces needed to be processed in one way or another, yet hope is that more of original charges are evolved and released the easier processing becomes.

In addition, with Guilt moved out, there is a room for Source Love to move into now emptied spaces and with it expansive movement. We are now empty vessels ready to receive, and then share and give in new co-creative relationships, as the times comes.