Saturday, June 27, 2009

Post-graduation Blues…

28 June 2009
Graduated and Then What? Where is My Job?

Many have gone through the solstice portal, feeling great and having sense of completion and readiness to step into brave new world. And then?! Slump! Few days after feeling exhilaration we have felt as someone has dumped a bucket of cold water over us. The energy that we are working is still heart energy integration. As the new energy is coming out there is still distrust lodged in our heart (between heart and thymus). It is distrust that is moving off the heart of the planet and our own hearts, and in the process it is making us feel very uncomfortable. For distrust, as I have mentioned before, is form of denied terror. As we are moving off more of the feeling of terror from our and planetary body, we need to notice it, let it move; and then take care of ourselves. Drink a plenty of water. And then bring our intent to nurturing our hearts back to life… We have to ask to have our hearts filled with the pure love from the Source, as well as nurturing our own love back to life: our love for ourselves as the living Gods (we really have hard times thinking of ourselves as Gods).
Universe is supporting us in this that is not letting us move ahead before all is released and new is integrated. It is as we have just had open heart surgery and now we need some time to recover and rejuvenate. So we are continuing to release what has been chocking us and integrate cosmic auxiliary energies. In what I had seen in my dream time-space the earth’s heart is in the same process. Integrated, closed up as after the surgery, but with still deep and visible scars in need of further healing. As it is earth in the process of finding and nurturing her heart back with her heart’s desire, so are we. Heart's desire that has been trumped over so many times that it has a hard time believing and trusting that it will be taken into consideration by us and by the Universe.
In some way I feel as I have lost all of my ideas what did I want to be when I grow up and new ones have not popped up. Even though I can see that our ‘old’ desires will reinvent themselves. They will come back, but in a new form.
OK, now that I am talking about the form, I am talking manifesting, too. Hence, I checked spirit and manifesting clocks. They are in the process of fusion now. So again indication to be patient that effortless manifestation is in the works. He-he. This fusion and symbolism of effortless manifestation was shown to me about six month ago (coupled with DNA/genetic change). In my process I have observed that it takes up to six months for spirit energies to be integrated and manifested in a physical body. Simply our physical bodies have been so overloaded with what I would call by one name - Foreign Interference Energies (FIE) that they lost so much of their vibratory power… So already slower then a spirit it slowed down to almost not being able vibrate anymore (people and earth). So after all of the clearing physical body will take some time to catch up... Process of nurturing our hearts and bodies back to ‘life’ after all of the rinse and spin cycles, after shock and awe treatments takes time...
In meantime that will give us some time to feel into our purpose and what we are to do next (feet issues)...

Saturday, June 20, 2009


20 June 2009
Reaching for a Carrot, Carat, ommgh, or Jewel in the Crown?

So even though we may be searing in frustration and wandering what is going on, as always everything has been so timely and in really perfect order. After the indigo clearing and heart-indigo adjustment, the other lesson I had gained was to climb into my my position.
We have been clearing off programming, conditioning, imprints, karmic and this lifetime contracts; we have been giving energy that is not ours back left and right; we have been reclaiming our energy back for ourselves; with doing all of this we have been preparing for what is soon to come. It is my understanding that
  1. our relationship space has to be squeaky clean
  2. fully aligned, integrated into ourselves
  3. we have to be in our position/place and there is only one unique place for each one of us
  4. grounded into the Earth
  5. plugged into the Cosmic electro-magnetic grid (lattice)
if we are to step through this solstice portal and into this next dimension.
Stepping into my place has made all of this absolutely clear. New vista opened. It is as I reached the top of the mountain and now I could see far and wide my own arduous path and where I had been along the way and all where it had taken me. As I look out I can see the perfection of it.
And I can see how this last stretch was not so intense - work of all these years had paid off. Yet, I can see now that somehow maneuvering space at the end gets to be very, very limited so it is really pushing us, to step up into our place on the top. The path is narrowed at the end, it seems easier to do that then to succumb, give up and fall back into the abyss. So journey's path is designed as to - we get a little push at the end in the home run.
Each one of us has only one right position, role, in the whole of the universe. Trick with hero’s journey is to come back to the place from which we got our start many eons ago, and to claim our own throne back for ourselves and to sit on it our fully integrated power, seniority, command, grace, and with full certainty and optimism of what is to be. So all these attributes as well as many more are our grail, our diamond, our prize, we brought back... Graduated! :-)
(Image credit:
Detail of Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown, painted by Leona Wood. Photo: American Advertising Museum)

Heart-Third Eye Chimney Sweep

20 June 2009
Kundalini Kicked Some Last Karmic ... in Indigo

Since my last post I struggled so much with myself. As I wrote in the last post we have been dealing with heart clearing, and I have intuited that it is our heart's desire that will get us across the abyss. And yet, days were going by and much I expected to happen as result of the new transforming energies was not happening and life was seemingly still, but our life's functions were not. So I wandered how will I make it this time? I had
reverted back into distrust and self-analyzing.
What was bugging me? I thought I am supposed to have a heart desire and envision anything and it will happen – effortless manifestation at last; I would know I had arrived to the place of having cleared enough of ballast I was carrying around for eons previous; and all has been holding back my ability to create and manifest my hearts desire. To my chagrin, not only did I not feel any desire or draw towards anything, I barely could take care of my most basic needs anymore (like having food at least once a day). I was thinking this will never end, I will never get to this other place whatever that is. How is this different from chasing a carrot on the stick from the other life scenario I left? Then all of the sudden few pieces of information fell into places
and I had a breakthrough. Of course, I could not get on with my heart's desire, as I have not had a vision…
We need to find our own balance with indigo (which is our visionary center – pineal gland) and how we want our future to be. It is not just balancing of the will and spirit in the heart, but also of balancing heart with the vision. And this was a picture my client showed me during a reading/healing session two weeks ago. I was kicking myself… And then I laughed at myself, of course as always everything is as it should be; in a perfect order.
Placement of the sixth chakra is peculiar, between spirit and worldly affairs; and since times long past having to interpret the most often conflicting worldly and spiritual affairs. Hence, often without receiving recognition or validation for its contribution, and/or quite the opposite. Throughout the history of mankind most often sixth chakra as seen as people who were gifted with it were severely punished, sacrificed, burned… for seeing and visionary ability… Or handsomly rewarded if in a bed with power. Its experience tainted with no matter what I see and present is not going to be received well, amounted to shutting down… More and more. Story of indigo is much longer then this, just like all other colours, chakras, or vibrations. But it is suffice to say that recent weeks were about clearing and transforming pineal gland in order to clear the ballast in indigo and then harmonize heart-third eye (pineal) axis.
In the hindsight I could see how kundalini energy has been slowly working its way up (since November/December 2008 - root chakra) through our body’s and earth’s chakra system, and has arrived to the third eye and has been working there for the last, at least, three weeks. What does this mean?
Firstly, it means breaking of ancient contracts indigo(s) have made to ‘protect’ itself(themselves) [just as I announced in my previous post that I am breaking mine with my heart land and while I wrote this the same happened with my 'Heart Son;' or just as Frodo breaks his when he drops the ring into the molten lava in "The Fellowship of the Ring."] So you can try this yourself, close your eyes and ask clear question to your inner eye to show you your contracts that are in your way to achieve your full potential, or integrate yourself fully, to get onto your Destiny Path, and see what kind of rings it will show you; have them be incomplete, then round them up and explode them, toss them into volcano or similar]. We are done with this kind of 'old school’
contracts. What am I talking about? For example, channeling is the ‘old school’ information gathering and always done so that there is information giver and medium who receives and distributes this information. So a person serves as a vehicle for information transfer. If I can illustrate it, I liken channeling to how the natives of Americas greeted ships full of white people. They thought they were Gods. So channeler receives information from the middle man (white man or today Sirians, Pleadians, Arcturians, etc, etc) not from God. We have a hard time believing we are worthy of God speaking directly to us. Of course, s~he does through our own voice as s~he is each one of us.
Digression: So today many are waiting for salvation to some from the outside; in the form of aliens, ETs, whatnots; and that is true for some… For some will go home to other planets. However, as for myself I know I am an Earthling. I do not want to say that Sirians, Pleadians, and rest know nothing, but I do want to say that they are interpreters… And we are given will to discern. And we all may have been involved with them, but my intent is to open, as clear as possible, direct communication with God.
Secondly, I have been speaking of rage for a while. There has been held rage in indigo that has been preventing indigo to see clearly. Here is where kundalini fairs in again. Kundalini has been, kind of like a rage-terror polarity chimney-sweep brush in our and Earth body. Since the past couple of weeks kundalini has been sweeping between rage of indigo and distrust of the heart. As these two emotions have been polarized. Rage is opposite of terror which I have mentioned before; distrust is form of denied terror.
Once this operation is done we can start visualizing our heart's desire as the initial step in our manifestation process.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Crtica o slobodnoj volji

16 Juni 2009
Slijediti svoju ili Boziju Volju, pitanje je sad!

Slijediti boziju volju znaci slijediti svoju volju. Osobna/licna volja i Bozija volja nisu u opoziciji. Osim ako se odricete svoje volje u korist drugih, makar to bio i naizgled Bog. Kad neki kazu da slijede boziju volju time sto slijepo slijede ‘bozije zapovjesti’ ili zapovjesti onih koji kazu da su boziji predstavnici i glasnici oni zapravo peru ruke od licne odgovornosti i prebacuju je na sve te iste predstavnike i Boga. Medutim, Bog prije ili kasnije vidi kroz nase jeftine trikove.
Dakle, ko bi da slijedi Boga zapravo mora preuzeti odgovornost za vlastitu volju i slijediti je s nakanom da je oslobodi i harmonizira sa Bozijom voljom… To uglavnom nije lak put na krace staze, ali je laksi na duge staze beskonacnosti i bezvremenosti zivota, svemira i Boga.
Covjek ima slobodnu volju ako ima nakanu da preuzme vlastitu odgovornost za vlastitu volju i zivot, te da zivot zivi savjesno i svjesno; umjesto stihijskog, nesvjesnog i nesavjesnog zivota gdje je non-stop pometen sa vjetrovima promjena sad tako svakodnevnim...