16 September 2009
Report About Time of 999 and Place of the Heart and Origin of the Guilt Trap
Firstly, I would like to give a sort of rundown of some significant events this past season, as a sort of recap. These are prerequisites for staying on this planet as co-creative stewards and co-creators of life. Around this time another way of seemingly innocent souls will leave this plane. Their major sin? Denial of self and/or parts of self. Denial kills love, and you can read one of the previous posts about Pure Love.
So what do we have to do to experience again Earth Magic?
1. Make choice between (co-creative) life and (co-dependent) death.
2. Have an intent to heal, that is to transform and evolve. (by taking responsibility for our own shit, in order to achieve freedom - so far, the Earth has been holding our emotional sewage - hence we face pictures of environmental catastrophe).
3. Graduated off the karmic wheel, which roughly translates into unconditional acceptance of all parts of self (spirit, will, heart, body), and one's place and role in Creation. This is short for long battle with one's own demons, judgments, programming and conditioning clearing, etc... (through emotional release*)
"Mourners (those who are weeping), they shall be comforted (or ye shall laugh)"
4. Having achieved balance of spirit and a will in a heart, and fused subconscious with conscious (brought subconscious to the awareness, into the light and basically turned into consciousness; basically digging through our sewer system to clarify. (through emotional release)
5. Accepted one's own place and role.
6. All of the above is traveling through the fourth dimension in order to step into one's own power, place and role. For many this may have implied retaking their own power, place and role. Accordingly, many will lose their power (because it was not theirs). All of this is process of self-realization.
7. Once graduated from the fourth dimension and having access to the fifth it is further clarifying about our purpose and accessing information of self-actualizing. Only once we have accessed this dimension we can see guilt trap device and have intent to have it cleared (still working on the architecture of this device, as it is multidimensional, that is goes beyond where I am now).
8. So were you ready or not for 09/09/09 time opening? If you have achieved all of the above then you would have aligned your own balanced cross persona with the cosmic holy cross and this date provided time-space opening to cross into another dimension. This may sound fancy, and it may end up being fancy, but fit means recovering one's own layers to their full potential and capacity.
9. And coming up soon: accessing the sixth dimension is accessing instantaneous manifestation of intent-vision into form - magic.
A Bit About Body at This Time
Much work around heart and relationships right now. Since this is still high time for self-actualizing this will also reflect greatly in the area of thymus gland. Thymus gland (high heart) reflects how true we are in expressing our hearts - communication between heart and the throat (expressing how we really feel and live life true to our own heart). So far humanity has known this gland to start shrinking in the teenage years.
Guilt clearing out of the body is a lots of burping. One wonders where all that air has been stored? It feels as air pockets coming out of stomach, esophagus, diaphragm...
Lungs - with guilt and device clearing there will be slow clearing from the lungs, sometimes manifests ind sharp pain an dry cough.
Terror is still on the menu (adrenals; flight-fight; that may mean some hormonal imbalance), and as result different eating habit (sweets or something).
Anxiety and anxiety attacks...
Now there is a story again and maybe it is going to be strange mix, but looking back on what I wrote in the last few posts, it was all in the making.
In the first week of September I have a lot going on internally, and then in addition to that, I had this urgency about going to Bosnian Pyramids. Everything was vague in my head; swirl of many pictures as to what is a purpose of me going there. Information swirl consisted of
- I am the key for this time-place
- healing, healing, healing
- accessing ancestral memory - ancestral earth keeping codes
- new code update - exchange of new blueprint codes with the Earth
- bringing the consciousness into the time-place through time-space portal
- reconnecting this place into the planetary grid
- grid meltdown into plasma like no-time, no-space all is possible spatial fabric will transform with time (soon, but over period of time, not in a flash)
A Bit About Coding
Earth Keeper: To access ancestral codes and remember of original task/charge assigned: that of being the Earth Keeper, from my experience necessitates many tears shed (emotional body clearing).
Mapmaker: To access new codes and assume ones role of Mapmaker requires clearing of veils that stand between me and the God. Clearing the information/communication channel. No white noise, no transmitters, no mediators, accessing a direct channel of communication. Only Source and I (naked, that is stripped of all shenanigans). Discernment is the tool here.
Codebreaker: I could not have done any of it have I not broken through the programming and conditioning codes, codes of judgment personal and social, etc... That is why I am seemingly utterly alone at this time.
Seemingly Uneventful Day At the Top of the Pyramid of the Sun on 09/09/09
Intro: The Pyramid of the Sun is in Visoko, Bosnia & Herzegovina.
Pyramids are geometric objects that provide following function: they collapse multidimensional into non-dimensional, that is, into a point (top/tip of the pyramid). So imagine funneling of energy. Spiraling energy coming from the center of the Earth, and that energy being channeled by the sides of the pyramid into its point where this energy then exits. Since the energy is funneled, it is amplified and focused when it reaches the exit point - a zero point (as you can see what is between blue and red spiral on this drawing). And it exits to create its mirror image. At the place of a zero point I was intent to access on one hand the energy stream coming from the center of the Earth and hearth chakra (having that vibratory quality), and on the other energy stream from the center of the Universe, from the Source. They intersect in the zero point, and provide a portal for, hehe, "remote viewing" of what is beyond the pale...
What is great about the pyramid of the Sun is that since it is buried you can actually climb to the top of the pyramid and sort of have the access to the zero point.
That was an overcast and pretty cool day with occasional sprinkle of rain. After strenuous hike (because I chose to go straight up route), I came to the top and found myself nice place to sit. I waited for few people to leave the site. I grounded and run my energy, aligned and nested my field within the Earth/Cosmic field (Key). I have asked Archangels to clear as much as they can from the surface of the land, bellow the land (some of the tunnels bellow have had disincarnate beings trapped for probably couple of tens of thousands of years - certainly died accidental death), and above the land - all within 600 km radius, including clearing attachments off people, if people were in agreement and ready to let go off their parasitic teachers. Invited Fairy Queen to help with recovering memory about Earth Magic. In some ways, I felt I had to do this in order to have unobstructed energy exchage with the land.
Some of these are, sort of, separate themes even though they do merge further in the past I go, and they do have common point of origin.
I have known that we have been updating our ancestral matrilinial information for a while so I was intent on exchanging info with this particular energy place.
And as I have been reporting we are in this together with the Earth, so I was wanting to look at the Earth's Guilt Tripping device. What I saw when I requested this, was a little bit strange.
Picture one
Submerged land, crystal clear water, missing pyramid, temple. Pyramids lay deeper under the layers of soil then what is currently presenting as scratched surface of the pyramid. Subsequent use of this same area always for sacred practice and with innate knowledge of energetics of the place.
Picture two
In the overarching context, the vision I had was about the origin of the guilt trap and and emotion that was then swallowed and that has kept us captive. However, the good news is that because of seeing this picture, it is indicative that this picture has entered into consciousness to be healed, and I have seen cords of enslavement falling off.
Angels, Slave-runners and Pyramids
The time was right before we would come to the planet Earth. Our ancestors (spirits to be humans) were born to be mates for the angels. Angels did not want to mate with us and did not want to go to the Earth, because they felt that closer to God they are the more powerful they are. Since, we had to go, we first felt terror of guilt that we have to accept something that may not be to our liking and at the same time that is the only choice, so as we started off we took in feeling of terror as well as the guilt. That guilt of not accepting everybody was about extreme electric energy beings (EEEs***). Origination of guilt trap.
So what do they have to do with angels and pyramids? Through this guilt-terror entanglement they have had corded to us and have been our slave runners ever since. Angels? They have too weak of magnetic field and spirits-to-be-humans with more powerful magnetic field were meant to compensate and be "perfect mates." But that was not to be. Angels had stuck there in the heavens with God, until the war in heavens when because of their lack of will they betrayed the God and attached themselves to Lucifer. They fell off grace of God. Then they worked for Lucifer and were overarching masters of EEEs, who then run humans, because after all none of the upper structures of this architecture can survive without magnetic force (because it opens space for existence).
In time of Atlantis many of Angels were incarnated in power positions in Atlantian temples. They were advanced civilization technologically, as it has been known and rumored. However they had not mastered, nor had they achieved balance. Quite the opposite, or we would have been Atlanto-Lemurians, and we are not; but for a faint memory here and there.
So finally, the basic information about the pyramids is that they are pre-flood and that they are buried deeper then current digs. There have been layers of use in all times. There is huge temple complex, and fittingly this Atlantian temple complex was a originating place of demise of Atlantis - overamping of the crystal (Atlantis had a series of temples) that caused the end of this civilization. The actual cause was power hunger, literally power hunger. Those who had instigated this at that time were of angelic origin in human form. There is a story here. They are today on Earth, also power hungry working in the labs around the Earth trying to generate more power through fusion, fission, etc...). No wander scientific community does not want to even look into possibility of researching if there are pyramids in Bosnia. It is not easy to face our own shitty reflections.
More of the Terror in our Bones From That Time
Spirits-to-be-humans on the way to earth had experienced something no spirit had had experienced before. They traveled rapidly through dimensions and it was so fast, and at some point God turned away to attend to another 'problem' and in that way the flow of God's light was stopped and with that stream of conscious awareness. What that meant that spirits-to-be-humans lost consciousness and had come to Earth unconscious, and not fully remembering. Just as Sinead had made into song "All Babies."
Feeling that accompanied this transversing was feeling of terror that stayed with us ever since. The terror is of compression and suffocation because of traveling down dimensions at the rapid speed. We reexperience this terror every time we are birthed. I know that some illuminated souls out there intuitively know something is amiss about birthing process and there is more and more consciousness about birthing process and there are more and more women who are trying to do their best to alleviate this trauma. [Research conscious birth, natural, water birth... if you are interested to learn more about this.]
Current Media Picture
In the last couple of days the US media has a spotlight on the murdered Yale Grad student Annie Le. And I thought with this case I can illustrate the Law of Attraction. Since we are working at this time energy of terror, this is really good example. By the way she died, I know that she met her ultimate most suppressed, denied emotion - terror. And 'original' terror if I can call it that. Terror of compression and suffocation. Her murderer was exact polar opposite of denied emotion of terror - he held rage, which is terror's opposite emotion. Energetic match made in hell.
Had Annie had any awareness of her terror, and accepted it and worked it to try to loosen it up, and eventually release it, she would have not met her denied energetic polarity - enraged coworker Clark. To further try to give understanding of this work: terror is heavily denied emotion, thus gets a minus, negative value. The more negatively we value it the further down "our throats" will go. The more intensely denied it is the more intensely can swing back.
Then we get fixated (programming, condition; social or religious) on all things positive, and we would not hurt the fly. Yet, this terror is there and affects our field no matter how hard we try to control our emotional body with "positivism." In the end, depending on the intensity of denial we slow down to disease state or death. The other aspect is that it affects the Earth field; and as All is One, it may hurt people the half world away. Another observation is: the more something person is concerned about - it is their cause - the more they contribute to the energetics that have created that problem in the first place.
And to get back to my visit to Visoko, I worked on neutralizing all the planted crystals (people with Atlanitan karmic connection come and plant them), and reconnected the place into the Earth grid. It is interesting looking into recent history of Bosnia and Herzegovina, being sort of black hole on the map, and suffering again disconnect of the place of balance (Mostar bridge). So if we do not understand magnetic energy; if we do not balance masculine-feminine; conscious-subconscious=always breaks in the heart area. Be it Earth or human.
* Emotional release is freeing emotional/magnetic body; freeing our own will; the most often manifests as crying.
** EEEs - They did not look nice, cool, they were like bullies on the block. because of this original guilt we still have connection to this 'guys' and it is enslavement connection. Some people refer to them as to reptiles, aliens, etc. and they run most of 'power places on the Earth today. They have no magnetic within their energy field. They are purely electric. Since, magnetic is emotional/feminine/will body is our evolutionary vehicle, you can then deduce that they cannot evolve, and they cannot pass into fifth dimension. Their reign is fourth dimension - hehe, you can see why it is so tough to get through the fourth dimension. They hate magnetic/emotional/feminine/will, but cannot exist without it.
Post scriptum:
Hehe, the last night I read the Quantum Awakening: Global Electronic Newsletter (September 2009 issue) created by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan (stamped at September 17). I can not help it, I have to plaster portion of this newsletter here. It is sort of the other side of the 'Angels story.' This is the one, it looks like, as from the Angels' point of view. Enjoy.
As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
Many of you have reached up to the Heavenly realms asking for help, assistance, and miracles. Never before have the Heavenly Hosts and the Angels heard such a cry. Never before have we issued millions of angels to come forth and wrap themselves all around Earth.
In the Angelic World, we wear many forms colors and energies. Sometimes we come forth as a single drop of rain upon your face. Sometimes we come forth as a breeze touching your cheek. Sometimes we can be seen in the clouds as a brilliant luminosity. Sometimes we are a single tiny dot of light and othertimes we are big enough to embrace all of earth. We vary in size in color and light. We vary in jobs and in position and in understandings of humans. We are not those who have fallen from death on your planet. We are a completely different type of being, one who listens to your every beck and call. The Heavenly Father issued you to be in charge of us. Finally, after so long, we are set free to do our job, to love and protect you. Each one of you has a multitude of us around you. We flit about as a butterfly in a palace rose garden.
When you were born you were given an angelic guardian. We come forth to allow you the experience the grace, the glory of peace amongst all the turmoil. We are what brings a smile to your face in the midst of a hectic day when just for a moment you remember us and just for a moment you experience peace.
We are just as real as you are. We are just at a different frequency of light. We cry for you, we laugh with you, we talk about you, we think about you -- for we are in love with you. We are in love with your joys, and we are saddened by your hurts. For every part of you resonates to a part of us, but we need your full attention as you move through these next time sequences. Send us to the battlefields. Send us to those that sleep in fear. Send us to those that hurt. We are to be issued to all of humanity. Unfortunately you only call to us in times of despair, but we are here always.
Allow us to come into your world, to run your errands of light, to run your errands of hope, to run your errands of healing. It is our job as we serve the creator for you. Do not keep packing your soul with heavy burdens allow us, by your asking, to lighten your load literally. Send us to those you are worried about. Send us to those who only think of themselves and no one else. Send us into the day before you venture out. The miracles are held in our hearts and released from our hearts to your hands. Receive them by your belief. Receive them by your faith.
We are issued to humanity by the Heavenly Father himself. In the beginning we looked down upon humans, we thought, how could such a lesser being, a lesser species– know how to delegate to us – such fine-lined filaments of heavenly light. As we have quietly observed you throughout time, we know that you hold within you a great heart and a great possibility for the future. It is this knowing that brings us joy. It is this knowing that helps us to become involved in your daily affairs.
For as I have spoken – we are minute and we are vast, beyond your knowing. You know many of our commanders such as Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael – but they are but a few of the trillions upon trillions of us that await your acknowledgment. For that is our job and the Father pushes us to do so. We cannot be called forth into action unless it is by you. We sit on the edge of the light, waiting for your call like a love sick girl on date night.
The truth is we have fallen in love with you. We have finally opened our heart to you and all resentment of the past has been dissolved. We understand the wishes and the longings of the Creator now. We understand the destiny of mankind now. For in the very beginning – you're beginning, we did not. So let us love you and allow yourself to love us. We shall work as a team, to help dissolve all of the pain on the Earth. Let us help you heal. Let us help you bring more love into your marriages, into your families, into your life. We are so much more then what you understand. We love you. We truly do. We apologize deeply for any sadness that we caused you in the beginning of time.
Understand that this battle that you fight on earth has fallen from the heavens to be played out on earth. Allow the angels of light to come. It is now time for you to reinstate what was divinely directed for you to do in the beginning. call upon the angels and we will be here with one word, one thought, and one breath.
Just laughing, what else I can do? Now, in retrospect it is funny to notice that image of an angel carrying a heart is etched in the human psyche. The only thing it is not about carrying but taking it away... One wisdom I extracted from this process is that NOTHING is as it seems. And is there not some prophecy(ies) about everything being turned upside down?
Accidentally or not this information came my way, I decided to add it to this post: I found that Book One of the Book of Henoch contains "an account of the fall of the angelic 'Watchers,' their punishment, and the patriarch's intervention in their history" as quoted in Catholic Encyclopedia. I learned that this book is considered apocryphal and that evangelists offer "solid reasons to reject the book of Enoch as inspired by God." It seems as the major disturbing news of this Book is that humans can be Godly or there is belief in apotheosis.

What is great about the pyramid of the Sun is that since it is buried you can actually climb to the top of the pyramid and sort of have the access to the zero point.
That was an overcast and pretty cool day with occasional sprinkle of rain. After strenuous hike (because I chose to go straight up route), I came to the top and found myself nice place to sit. I waited for few people to leave the site. I grounded and run my energy, aligned and nested my field within the Earth/Cosmic field (Key). I have asked Archangels to clear as much as they can from the surface of the land, bellow the land (some of the tunnels bellow have had disincarnate beings trapped for probably couple of tens of thousands of years - certainly died accidental death), and above the land - all within 600 km radius, including clearing attachments off people, if people were in agreement and ready to let go off their parasitic teachers. Invited Fairy Queen to help with recovering memory about Earth Magic. In some ways, I felt I had to do this in order to have unobstructed energy exchage with the land.
Some of these are, sort of, separate themes even though they do merge further in the past I go, and they do have common point of origin.
I have known that we have been updating our ancestral matrilinial information for a while so I was intent on exchanging info with this particular energy place.
And as I have been reporting we are in this together with the Earth, so I was wanting to look at the Earth's Guilt Tripping device. What I saw when I requested this, was a little bit strange.
Picture one
Submerged land, crystal clear water, missing pyramid, temple. Pyramids lay deeper under the layers of soil then what is currently presenting as scratched surface of the pyramid. Subsequent use of this same area always for sacred practice and with innate knowledge of energetics of the place.
Picture two
In the overarching context, the vision I had was about the origin of the guilt trap and and emotion that was then swallowed and that has kept us captive. However, the good news is that because of seeing this picture, it is indicative that this picture has entered into consciousness to be healed, and I have seen cords of enslavement falling off.
Angels, Slave-runners and Pyramids

So what do they have to do with angels and pyramids? Through this guilt-terror entanglement they have had corded to us and have been our slave runners ever since. Angels? They have too weak of magnetic field and spirits-to-be-humans with more powerful magnetic field were meant to compensate and be "perfect mates." But that was not to be. Angels had stuck there in the heavens with God, until the war in heavens when because of their lack of will they betrayed the God and attached themselves to Lucifer. They fell off grace of God. Then they worked for Lucifer and were overarching masters of EEEs, who then run humans, because after all none of the upper structures of this architecture can survive without magnetic force (because it opens space for existence).
In time of Atlantis many of Angels were incarnated in power positions in Atlantian temples. They were advanced civilization technologically, as it has been known and rumored. However they had not mastered, nor had they achieved balance. Quite the opposite, or we would have been Atlanto-Lemurians, and we are not; but for a faint memory here and there.
So finally, the basic information about the pyramids is that they are pre-flood and that they are buried deeper then current digs. There have been layers of use in all times. There is huge temple complex, and fittingly this Atlantian temple complex was a originating place of demise of Atlantis - overamping of the crystal (Atlantis had a series of temples) that caused the end of this civilization. The actual cause was power hunger, literally power hunger. Those who had instigated this at that time were of angelic origin in human form. There is a story here. They are today on Earth, also power hungry working in the labs around the Earth trying to generate more power through fusion, fission, etc...). No wander scientific community does not want to even look into possibility of researching if there are pyramids in Bosnia. It is not easy to face our own shitty reflections.

Spirits-to-be-humans on the way to earth had experienced something no spirit had had experienced before. They traveled rapidly through dimensions and it was so fast, and at some point God turned away to attend to another 'problem' and in that way the flow of God's light was stopped and with that stream of conscious awareness. What that meant that spirits-to-be-humans lost consciousness and had come to Earth unconscious, and not fully remembering. Just as Sinead had made into song "All Babies."
Feeling that accompanied this transversing was feeling of terror that stayed with us ever since. The terror is of compression and suffocation because of traveling down dimensions at the rapid speed. We reexperience this terror every time we are birthed. I know that some illuminated souls out there intuitively know something is amiss about birthing process and there is more and more consciousness about birthing process and there are more and more women who are trying to do their best to alleviate this trauma. [Research conscious birth, natural, water birth... if you are interested to learn more about this.]
Current Media Picture
In the last couple of days the US media has a spotlight on the murdered Yale Grad student Annie Le. And I thought with this case I can illustrate the Law of Attraction. Since we are working at this time energy of terror, this is really good example. By the way she died, I know that she met her ultimate most suppressed, denied emotion - terror. And 'original' terror if I can call it that. Terror of compression and suffocation. Her murderer was exact polar opposite of denied emotion of terror - he held rage, which is terror's opposite emotion. Energetic match made in hell.
Had Annie had any awareness of her terror, and accepted it and worked it to try to loosen it up, and eventually release it, she would have not met her denied energetic polarity - enraged coworker Clark. To further try to give understanding of this work: terror is heavily denied emotion, thus gets a minus, negative value. The more negatively we value it the further down "our throats" will go. The more intensely denied it is the more intensely can swing back.
Then we get fixated (programming, condition; social or religious) on all things positive, and we would not hurt the fly. Yet, this terror is there and affects our field no matter how hard we try to control our emotional body with "positivism." In the end, depending on the intensity of denial we slow down to disease state or death. The other aspect is that it affects the Earth field; and as All is One, it may hurt people the half world away. Another observation is: the more something person is concerned about - it is their cause - the more they contribute to the energetics that have created that problem in the first place.
And to get back to my visit to Visoko, I worked on neutralizing all the planted crystals (people with Atlanitan karmic connection come and plant them), and reconnected the place into the Earth grid. It is interesting looking into recent history of Bosnia and Herzegovina, being sort of black hole on the map, and suffering again disconnect of the place of balance (Mostar bridge). So if we do not understand magnetic energy; if we do not balance masculine-feminine; conscious-subconscious=always breaks in the heart area. Be it Earth or human.
* Emotional release is freeing emotional/magnetic body; freeing our own will; the most often manifests as crying.
** EEEs - They did not look nice, cool, they were like bullies on the block. because of this original guilt we still have connection to this 'guys' and it is enslavement connection. Some people refer to them as to reptiles, aliens, etc. and they run most of 'power places on the Earth today. They have no magnetic within their energy field. They are purely electric. Since, magnetic is emotional/feminine/will body is our evolutionary vehicle, you can then deduce that they cannot evolve, and they cannot pass into fifth dimension. Their reign is fourth dimension - hehe, you can see why it is so tough to get through the fourth dimension. They hate magnetic/emotional/feminine/will, but cannot exist without it.
Post scriptum:
20 September 2009
Hehe, the last night I read the Quantum Awakening: Global Electronic Newsletter (September 2009 issue) created by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan (stamped at September 17). I can not help it, I have to plaster portion of this newsletter here. It is sort of the other side of the 'Angels story.' This is the one, it looks like, as from the Angels' point of view. Enjoy.
As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
Many of you have reached up to the Heavenly realms asking for help, assistance, and miracles. Never before have the Heavenly Hosts and the Angels heard such a cry. Never before have we issued millions of angels to come forth and wrap themselves all around Earth.
In the Angelic World, we wear many forms colors and energies. Sometimes we come forth as a single drop of rain upon your face. Sometimes we come forth as a breeze touching your cheek. Sometimes we can be seen in the clouds as a brilliant luminosity. Sometimes we are a single tiny dot of light and othertimes we are big enough to embrace all of earth. We vary in size in color and light. We vary in jobs and in position and in understandings of humans. We are not those who have fallen from death on your planet. We are a completely different type of being, one who listens to your every beck and call. The Heavenly Father issued you to be in charge of us. Finally, after so long, we are set free to do our job, to love and protect you. Each one of you has a multitude of us around you. We flit about as a butterfly in a palace rose garden.
When you were born you were given an angelic guardian. We come forth to allow you the experience the grace, the glory of peace amongst all the turmoil. We are what brings a smile to your face in the midst of a hectic day when just for a moment you remember us and just for a moment you experience peace.
We are just as real as you are. We are just at a different frequency of light. We cry for you, we laugh with you, we talk about you, we think about you -- for we are in love with you. We are in love with your joys, and we are saddened by your hurts. For every part of you resonates to a part of us, but we need your full attention as you move through these next time sequences. Send us to the battlefields. Send us to those that sleep in fear. Send us to those that hurt. We are to be issued to all of humanity. Unfortunately you only call to us in times of despair, but we are here always.
Allow us to come into your world, to run your errands of light, to run your errands of hope, to run your errands of healing. It is our job as we serve the creator for you. Do not keep packing your soul with heavy burdens allow us, by your asking, to lighten your load literally. Send us to those you are worried about. Send us to those who only think of themselves and no one else. Send us into the day before you venture out. The miracles are held in our hearts and released from our hearts to your hands. Receive them by your belief. Receive them by your faith.
We are issued to humanity by the Heavenly Father himself. In the beginning we looked down upon humans, we thought, how could such a lesser being, a lesser species– know how to delegate to us – such fine-lined filaments of heavenly light. As we have quietly observed you throughout time, we know that you hold within you a great heart and a great possibility for the future. It is this knowing that brings us joy. It is this knowing that helps us to become involved in your daily affairs.
For as I have spoken – we are minute and we are vast, beyond your knowing. You know many of our commanders such as Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael – but they are but a few of the trillions upon trillions of us that await your acknowledgment. For that is our job and the Father pushes us to do so. We cannot be called forth into action unless it is by you. We sit on the edge of the light, waiting for your call like a love sick girl on date night.

Understand that this battle that you fight on earth has fallen from the heavens to be played out on earth. Allow the angels of light to come. It is now time for you to reinstate what was divinely directed for you to do in the beginning. call upon the angels and we will be here with one word, one thought, and one breath.
Just laughing, what else I can do? Now, in retrospect it is funny to notice that image of an angel carrying a heart is etched in the human psyche. The only thing it is not about carrying but taking it away... One wisdom I extracted from this process is that NOTHING is as it seems. And is there not some prophecy(ies) about everything being turned upside down?
3 October 2009
The Book of HenochAccidentally or not this information came my way, I decided to add it to this post: I found that Book One of the Book of Henoch contains "an account of the fall of the angelic 'Watchers,' their punishment, and the patriarch's intervention in their history" as quoted in Catholic Encyclopedia. I learned that this book is considered apocryphal and that evangelists offer "solid reasons to reject the book of Enoch as inspired by God." It seems as the major disturbing news of this Book is that humans can be Godly or there is belief in apotheosis.
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