Christchurch, New Zealand, 11 October 2009
While previously I had thought that my next post would be about creating with magic it turns out, I was right and wrong at the same time. Magic is effortless and instantaneous manifestation. Now, I am thinking how arrogant and ignorant of me to think so. For over six years I have been working electro-magnetics of my system that I totally lost sight of the vessel. Thus, what has actually manifested is that feel totally empty, totally tired and wandering how I will make it. And I am about to embark onto the unknown road to the unknown. Bridging endeavour.
As it turns out I was wrong in that, that it is not going to be magic manifestations in the outside reality yet. But I was right in that that magic will be inside works of my body. Body magically works by itself. I realized that I have been hard on myself and that my body needs a break from all the work. Body is manifest part of God and God has a body just as we do(we are made in God’s image, right?), plus entirety of the physical manifestation of the Universe. And since energy cannot vanish… I wonder, what we have been thinking so far. It seems so obvious now!
There has been such massive offload of the old energies and upload of the new... And human physical body due to its energetic density simply takes much longer to shift energies (to release the old and integrate the new). There are time-lines of how long it takes for complete journey of a blood drop, lymph liquid, neuron, hormone, etc... And while certainly I can applaud myself for mammoth energy shifts, now I know I have to lay low for a while. Hibernate, let all the old blocked energy to leak out of my body (toxins, thus helping body to detox is the top priority) and to reintegrate the new once there is room for it... That is how I realized that the time coming up would be non-eventful on the outside... And that I just have to let my body work its magic, while I am half asleep. Heh.
So to reiterate: entire summer and especially September have been such a power house of release of the old and upload of the new energies that now we simply have to assimilate all of it into our physical bodies. There was release of sewage like energy from the thrusting channel. Basically sewage created but unused and blocked genetic information. This information with no ability to move simply rotted, turned toxic due to stagnancy. This conversion (from letting go of the new to letting in the new) in turn is going to burden the urinary bladder channel as it will carry out all this toxic sewage out of the body. Therefore, if you are experiencing hair loss problems out of the blue it is simply due to toxins moving through the body, just let your body do what it does the best. Do not freak out and get in its way. Just stay with the process. After urinary bladder, gall bladder (and channels) will be affected, as of course liver (and channels). For me kidneys have been under stress because I was shifting a lot, but not supporting my body as much. So my kidneys are depleted as well. And I have a hunch it is like that for many.
At this time we have been releasing traumatic memories stored in our bodies. Human body has a consciousness of it’s on. Much of trauma of human body is that is has been seen just as a vessel of service to the spirit. However, at this time is the first time that human body will take its rightful and integral place as a part of creation. This is different cleanse from before. While there has been much hormonal harmonizing, and neural pathways clearing, this is cellular cleanse. Trauma and resulting toxins stored on cellular level. Hence, bone marrow, lymph system (thymus and spleen in particular), then every cell of our body. And since liver is master controller of many functions relating to production of blood, influencing lungs, intestines, kidneys, urinary bladder, plus having all toxic material go through it… Discomfort to say the least. Muscle pain, especially back due to release of the toxins on the cellular level, heightened cell acidity, so instead work out, have a massage and go to the hot springs and saunas.
Simply, we are recovering all dimensions of self with our full physical presence. Separation of the spirit and the body is another artificial construct and programming myth that is going down the drain. At this time, there is no real healing, and no real ascension without healing of the body; and accepting and acknowledging body and thus form for its place, role, purpose and work done to hold us, and our disjointed and dysfunctional life-energy system together (end then we discarding it like an (ab)used vessel.
Thank you, my body. Thank you, body. I am sorry for all of the abuse through which I have put you.
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